oo7: Broom Closet Misery

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Double publish for those who started following me. ♥


The argument between Professor Umbridge and Harry had reached almost everyone in the castle by the time everyone made their way to the Great Hall for dinner. Every other conversation Melissa over heard was about whether Harry was mental or a hero. No one knew what happened the night Harry and Cedric had disappeared and everyone seemed to be in denial of the fact that Harry might be telling the truth.

“Penbrooke,” Blaise said and Melissa snapped out of her daydream about being home again.

“What?” she snapped, not liking the fact he’d ruined her perfectly good daydream. Cassie glared at Melissa quickly and then smiled at Blaise.

“What do you think?” he asked her and Melissa looked around at everyone, trying to figure out what they’d been talking about. She looked at Cassie for help but Cassie shook her undetectably at Melissa. She was trying to impress Blaise and Melissa was making it hard. So Melissa turned her gaze to the next person that might help her, Malfoy.

“The Dark Lord returning,” he said simply.

“Oh,” Melissa said, now wishing she didn’t know. “Does my opinion really matter?” she asked with a shrug. She knew no one honestly cared what she thought.

“Just tell us,” Draco said, annoyed with her once more that day. Melissa huffed at him, crossing her arms angrily.

“I think if he’s as strong and powerful as everyone says it’s not so hard to believe he’s back. Plus, what reasoning would Potter have for lying?” said Melissa, looking around the table for their reactions.

“For the attention, of course,” Pansy snapped as though it were the most obvious idea.

“You’re a twit.” Melissa hissed instantly. “He’s the bloody boy who lived, I don’t think he’s short on attention.” She said glaring at Pansy who retreated quickly, looking down at her plate in defeat. Draco smirked at Pansy’s defeat and looked at Melissa. Cassie looked from Draco to Melissa and then back to Draco, a small snicker appearing on the corner of her lips.

“C’mon,” said Cassie as she finished her food. Melissa looked at her with a confused expression. “Lavatory,” she said, standing up and Melissa gathered her things, walking out of the Great Hall with Cassie, arms linked.

“I say we get our things and go see that prefect bath.” Cassie said excitedly, smiling widely. Melissa laughed and shook her head in agreement. The two girls gathered headed to the Slytherin dormitories rather quickly. Each grabbed their matching pajamas again and headed to the fifth floor. Melissa walked around the corridor slowly, trying to remember where she was told it was. She reached the statue of Boris the Bewildered and looked at the door.

“Right, now the password…” said Melissa, attempting to recall it. “Oh, lemon fresh,” she said and the sound of the lock releasing was heard. She looked around before opening the door and ushering Cassie in quickly and then walked in shutting the door behind. Melissa’s eyes widened as she looked around the enormous bathroom. The tub was the size and depth of a swimming pool, across from it was multiple toilets across from the giant tub. The stain glass windows made the light coming in colorful and the mermaid on them brushed her hair, watching them softly.

The Eye of the Snake [Draco Malfoy]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz