o15: The Start of a New Story

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Happy 1 000 + Reads for TEOTS~ <3

Thank you for those who are reading this!


Melissa sat in the corner of the common room, working feverishly on an essay for Professor Umbridge. She’d managed to get on her good side and she did not want that to change. Cassie sat on the other side of the room, so they wouldn’t distract each other, swearing irately at the essay she had in front of her as though it had insulted her family. On occasion Melissa would glance at the book she’d borrowed from Ayanna, trying to figure out exactly how a witch became an Animagus.

“Melissa,” someone said and she turned her head. There was a bright flash causing her to blink a couple times before being able to see Draco standing in front of her with a camera.

“What are you doing?” she asked with haste and annoyance.

“My mother wanted a picture of the girl I’m bringing in the Minister’s ball.” He said as the picture came out of camera. He scribbled something on it before placing it into an envelope and slipping the envelope into her pocket.

“You didn’t even ask me.” She said with a seductive smirk.

“Will you go with me?” he asked, walking over to her.

“No, go ask Parkinson,” Melissa said bluntly and went back to her essay. Draco sat across from her and took the essay and books away from her. She huffed angrily and glared at him.

“You going to stay mad at me forever?” he asked.

“More than likely,” she said bluntly with a small shrug. She grabbed her homework and headed to the stairsand up to the girls’ dormitories. Draco tried to follow but the stairs, in a flash, disappeared creating a slick slid and both Draco and Melissa fell back down to the floor of the common room.

“Malfoy,” Melissa yelped as she hit the floor. Draco attempted to catch her but fell atop her with a hard thump. “Oww,” she moaned and looked at the blonde boy on top of her. “Get—off—me,” she demanded and he lifted himself up only a little.

“Go to the ball with me,” he retorted quickly.

“If I don’t, what, you’ll just stay on me?” she asked and he smirked deviously.

“Fine,” she snapped and he stood up, pulling Melissa to her feet. She bent back down and started to pick up her papers, zealously mumbling to herself about the fact that she had to go to some stupid ball. She could barely dance and she hated over the top fancy dresses.

“Draco,” Vaisey said as he ran into the common room. “Gryffindor got approved.” He said and Draco’s face turned bright red.

“That’s good, is it not?” Melissa asked and everyone looked at her as though she were crazy. “Well, they are actually a challenge. Ravenclaw is good but we tend to be better and Hufflepuff is well… Hufflepuff,” said Melissa and a couple people laughed.

“What the hell is a Hufflepuff?” Cassie exclaimed from corner, her hair frazzled, looking utterly distressed.

“The rejects that no one else wanted,” said Montague with disdain.

“Did you all want the Quidditch season to be a piece of cake?” Melissa asked and everyone nodded their heads immediately. “Alright then, so much for being a noble house,” she said and stood up once she had her papers gathered. The rest of the team glared at her—including Draco—and she laughed as she headed out of the common room and to the library. She was walking behind a couple seventh years from her house and then she saw Harry and Ron walking their way. Her eyes scanned the seventh years, waiting for something to happen, though she didn’t know what exactly. The seventh years snarled something at the red-headed boy and his face turned a green color.

The Eye of the Snake [Draco Malfoy]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ