oo4: The Slytherin Mudblood

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To you, my dear fellow Hogwarts student. I hope you'll like this chap. :)


Professor McGonagall walked into the Great Hall with an old three-legged stool and an even older hat. The hat had patches all over it and a rip at the seam of the brim. The talk within the Great Hall quickly died down and Cassie rested her head on Melissa's shoulder, not really caring about this part of the night. The Sorting Hat began to sing its song and Cassie perked up with its new version of the song. The sorting was done with and the feast appeared in front of them.

“That was a very interesting song.” Cassie said as she placed some food on her plate and filling Melissa’s as well. She was still, however, staring up at the woman dressed in all pink and trying to figure out what she was doing here.

“No,” she said quietly and Cassie turned her attention to Melissa.

“What Missy?” she asked looking at the table to see what her friend saw.

“Nothing…I hope,” said Melissa and turned her attention to the food on her plate. There were some chicken and mashed potatoes; the girls’ staple dinner while at Hogwarts. Everyone else at the table filled up with every food the feast had to offer, steak and kidney pie, chicken, a variety of meats, vegetables. Crabbe and Goyle seemed to have a fair amount of every item on their plate. Cassie laughed at them, and started yelling across the table. Crabbe went to yell back and food fell out of his mouth.

“Disgusting toads,” Melissa said, shaking her head.

After everyone seemed to have eaten their fill of the food the students began to talk again, filling the Great Hall with gossip and laughter. Dumbledore rose to his feet and walked over to the podium. As soon as people saw the headmaster they stopped talking, hitting the person next to them. Dumbledore began to talk about the standard rules for the first years and the new professors for Care of Magical Creatures and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Melissa rolled her eyes when she heard the woman in pink was the new professor for her favourite class.

“This year keeps getting worse and worse.” She mumbled to herself. Down the table a little ways, Draco Malfoy was smirking happily saying how the Ministry was going to fix the place for the better. Professor Umbridge cleared her throat delicately, interrupting Dumbledore. Cassie’s mouth dropped; she’d never seen someone interrupt Dumbledore before.

“I like her.” Cassie said with a smirk. Melissa glared at Cassie and hit her in the arm. Cassie just snickered. The woman rambled on about how classes and rules were going to start changing around Hogwarts and Melissa put her head on the table, wishing the woman would stop talking. When she finally did, Cassie tapped Melissa on the shoulder.

“What was she on about?” she asked, confused.

“The Ministry is about to mess the school.” Melissa said bitterly, glaring ominously at the woman.

“The Ministry wouldn’t do that.” Cassie said defensively. “My--”

“Cassie, I’m not attacking your parents.” Melissa said quickly. “But this is a school, Cassie, it’s not the Ministry.” She said shaking her head. Everyone began talking again and Melissa looked around the school. No one else seemed to get what was going on. There was a tap on her shoulder and she turned to see Malfoy. He nodded to a group of lost looking first years. Melissa sneered bitterly at the first years for not knowing where to go and got to her feet. Cassie smirked at Malfoy again, biting her bottom lip lightly. He glared at her and headed over to the lost looking first years.

The Eye of the Snake [Draco Malfoy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora