oo8: Flying Books

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The next morning was as rainy and sluggish as the other days that week. Melissa blinked her blue eyes open and looked around the room. The bed next to her was empty. She furrowed her eyebrows, wondering where Cassie was. She rolled over to see Cassie sleeping beside her. She smiled and shook Cassie lightly.

“My bed better?” Melissa asked.

“Malfoy said he got you shook-up.” Cassie said as she rubbed her eyes. “So I figured you waking up to my face would fix everything.” She said with a large smile.

“Let’s go get some breakfast,” Melissa said, not really wanting to talk about Draco. The girls dressed quickly into their robes and Cassie started to do her make-up while Melissa did her hair in a messy ponytail as usual. Cassie looked at Melissa and sighed.

“Okay, come here,” Cassie said pulled Melissa over to her. “If you let your hair down and put on a little make-up you’d be the best looking girl in this school.”

“Even better than Chang?” Melissa asked with a laugh.

“Definitely her,” Cassie said bitterly and started to do Melissa’s hair, yanking every now and again. She pulled out her make-up and started looking through it. Melissa cringed a little, most of the tools in there looking like torture devices to her. Cassie started to paint on make-up with a light hand. Melissa shut her eyes, putting her full trust in Cassie though she knew she might regret it. She heard the bag zip once more after a couple minutes and opened her eyes.

“Beautiful,” Cassie said with a smile and grabbed a mirror. Melissa looked in it to see eyeliner around her blue eyes, blush, and bright red lipstick. She sighed and looked at Cassie.

“I look like a clown.” She said in defeat.

“No, you look wicked.” She said happily. Melissa took her word for it and gathered her books for her classes. She had to push her hair back every couple minutes, not use to having it down. The girls headed down to the common room, a couple people’s eyes widened when they saw Melissa with make-up on.

“Okay, I’m taking it off now.” She said and went to go back to the dorms, but Cassie grabbed her and turned her back around.

“Would you just trust me?”

“Give me one good reason why I should,” said Melissa and Cassie tried to think of a reason but nothing came to her. Melissa headed to the Great Hall, arms linked with Cassie, getting more annoyed with every step she took. Cassie was asking all about the other night and what Draco had done to get her so upset. Then a saving grace appeared beside her.

“Hey Missy,” Ayanna said, appearing next to her. “Oh wow,” she said when she saw Melissa, which in return Melissa rolled her eyes. “You look pretty.” Ayanna said happily, smiling brightly.

“I feel like I belong in the circus.” She said.

“What’s that?” Cassie asked with a look of curiosity.

“Where clowns work,” said Melissa. They headed into the Great Hall and sat down at the end of the Slytherin table. Melissa grabbed a piece of toast and began picking at it, bringing her knees up to her chest.

“We have Charms and then Transfiguration.” Ayanna said, looking through their schedules. “Then you both go to Care of Magical Creatures and I go Arithmacy, then Herbology and Astronomy at dark.” She said with a nod before take a bite of a green apple.

“Today’s gonna be horrid.” Cassie said with a sigh of defeat.

“Well, Blaise is with you. I’m sure he’ll make it better.” Ayanna said, a small smirk playing on the corner of her lips.

The Eye of the Snake [Draco Malfoy]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن