oo2: Prefect

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 Dedicated to her, because of a wonderful fan-fic named, Lynx Malfoy. :)

You rock girl!


The trio arrived in bustling Diagon Alley. There were witches and wizards of every size and shape. The shops seemed to be an overflowing cup. There was so much to see and do in Diagon Alley; she wished she could spend a week there at times.

Melissa led the way through the crowd in Diagon Alley; Ayanna in the middle of her and Cassie so she wouldn’t get swept up in the rushing crowd of people.

“Hey,” yelled Cassie at a passerby that rudely ran into Ayanna, “Watch where you’re going you twit!” Melissa took Ayanna's hand pulling her straight through the crowd with Cassie closely at their heels. The girls pushed their way into Flourish and Blotts and breathed a sigh of great relief.

“Thanks Cassie,” Ayanna said with a smile. Cassie gave her a wink and the three of them started looking around for the books they needed. All of them were quite large, and heavy. Ayanna’s books for Ancient Runes and Arithmacy seemed to be the biggest of all the books they had. When they reached the counter to pay Ayanna's pile of books was twice as large as Cassie and Melissa’s. Not only did she have books for her classes but she bought others she didn’t need as well. There was a book on becoming an Animagus, one of them was about famous dark wizards of the past, and the last was advanced defensive magic.

“Yani, you don’t need half of these,” said Cassie as they walked out of the store. “Oh bugger, I forgot the bag.” She said with a look of defeat. Ayanna smiled and pulled the bag with the undetectable extension charm on it.

“What would we do without you?” Melissa asked with a laugh.

“We’d be dead in the Forbidden Forest.” Cassie said with a nod and all the girl’s laughed remembering that night.


“Missy,” Ayanna whispered, clutching Cassie’s arm tightly with fear. “We’re not supposed to be in here.” She said.

“I swear I saw a huge spider! I just want a picture for Brayden and Dad.” She answered looking all around the forest for the creature.

“I would prefer not to die in here but that’s clearly no concern of yours, is it?” Cassie snapped bitterly, holding onto Ayanna just as tightly. Three thirteen year old girls in the forest didn’t stand much of a chance, but Melissa didn’t care much.

There was a howl and Ayanna let out a high pitched scream. Cassie quickly covered her mouth and the girls stopped, becoming silent and observant. Melissa let out a slow breath, looking around the dark forest. The sound the running feet became louder and louder as Ayanna’s eyes widened with horror. Melissa turned around to see a large lanky wolf running toward them.

“Missy!” Cassie screamed as the wolf lunged at Melissa. The girl quickly jumped to the side falling to the floor.

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