Chapter 13- Runaways

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It's a week later and surprisingly Lou's and my secret relationship is going.....secretly. No one has found out, probably just thinking things were awkward between us. They would give me and Louis strange looks because they believed I was going to rip his door down with anger, but eventually it all wore off.

Right now, I'm in Paris, waiting for Tommie to get her late butt to the hotel. It's freezing. I was standing outside the hotel, clutching my sweater around me tightly.

I see a taxi pull in front of me and I see Tommie paying the cab. She hops out of the car and I follow her to the back and help her get her bags out of the trunk.

"Finally." I complained, heaving a suitcase onto the ground. She grins and takes out her other two suitcases and I grab her big beauty case and we walk into the hotel, a red man taking our luggage onto a cart and escorting us to the penthouse me and the girls were staying in. The boys were across from us.

When we arrived into the room and unloaded the luggage, paying the tip to the man. We looked to make sure the door was closed before we squealed and hugged each other.

"I haven't seen you in ageeeesss, darling," Tommie cried, holding me at arm's length, "Is that a gray hair I see?"

I glare playfully at her and stick up my balled fists, "Oh, you really want to go there, OK, let's go. Ready to arm wrestle?" I challenged. She chuckled and turned around shaking her butt. I shoved her onto the ground and ran out of the room.

"TIARNE SAVE ME! SAVE YOUR MAMA!" I screamed as I ran through the penthouse, hearing Tommie's fast paced footsteps behind me. Tiarne came running down the steps (yes steps, this is some serious ape crap here).

"What's wrong?" She said, looking around frantically. I open my mouth to respond before I'm thrown on the floor by a one-of-a-kind Tommie tackle. I groaned and shoved Tommie off of me while Tiarne was laughing her butt off.  Tommie was smirking and went up to hug Tiarne, who greeted each other. I got up from the ground and rubbed my eyes because it was almost nine in the morning.

We had to leave in an hour for our music video, I realized. "I'm hopping in the shower." I said, walking up the stairs before freezing halfway up the steps. I looked back down at Tiarne, my eyes wide.

Interrupting the two girls conversation I ask, "What in the world Tiarne, where are your clothes?!"

Tiarne looks sheepishly at her fuzzy robe and socks, "I was getting ready before I heard that I needed to help my mother and pardon you, my mother is much prettier."

I gasp and clutch my heart,"Ouch, daughter. You're grounded, clean up my room and you shall do all my laundry for the rest of my life." Tiarne snorted and rolled her eyes, Tommie  laughing as I ran up to the stairs to get ready.


"Shake your booty!"



"Shake your booty, IYIYIYIYIYIY, everybody!"

Tiarne,Tommie and I were singing along to the song on the radio, driving to the scenery of our music video. The music video was for our second album's hit song, "Runaways." I was really excited for this music video.

It was a little romantic and me and Tiarne had boy actors in this video too. Oh goodness. I knew Tiarne wouldn't have to do anything with hers because everyone knows she's dating. But what if they want me know....kiss my guy.

How I Got My Life Changed By 1D (Book 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن