Chapter 10- Stomach Bug

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So I've come to a conclusion.

I'm later going to upload a Liam Payne fan fiction called Run or Hide. The female lead is a vampire, so it's the perfect twist coming up for this October, Halloween season. Are you guys dressing up for any parties?

Any certain YouTube suggestions for your Halloween costume make up and/or hair look or certain song request for me to sing?


I felt horrible.

My stomach felt hollow, but I couldn't eat anything without throwing up. I felt smelly and sweaty, super hot then suddenly, super cold. This sickness was making me act crazy. Maybe that's why I acted like that yesterday at the interview.

I rake a hand through my hair and groaned, clutching my stomach. I was all alone in my room at the flat. Everyone else went to that wedding today.

Nice to know they care about me.

That was sarcasm in case you didn't catch that.

And to even dwell in my sorrows even more, guess what I packed.

You can't? Well I'm crying sad tears from missing how it used to be and crying happy tears because it's funny. Still don't know?

It's the DVD Louis gave me last year. Like the letters I gave him, his is like video diaries of everyday. Some long, some short.

I turn back over to my side and focus back on the TV. Louis is on the screen in the living room of his flat, probably about mid-afternoon.

"Hey Danielle! I miss you and I can't wait to see you! So right now we only have one month til I see you again. This morning I got to prank good, old, Harold over here, this morning. Say hello, Harold!"

Louis smiles and pans the camera to Harry, who glares at the camera. "The next time you see Louis, give him a taste of his own medicine. Thanks Dani."

I chuckle, even though this happened a long time ago and I watched it millions of times.

The camera turns back to Louis who dramatically places a hand on his heart, "Oh Harold, you don't mean that, do you?! I thought you loved me! Or did you only play me for my godly looks?"

I hear Harry in the background, "Shut up Louis!"

"Looks like someone's PMS-ing." Louis whispered into the camera after casting a glance to Harry, who was not in the camera shot.

"That's it Tomlinson!" I heard Harry shout then see Harry jump on Louis. Louis shrieks, sounding like a girl and I laugh, making me forget about being sick.

The camera falls and lands on the ground, an upside-down view of the living room and I hear some shrieks and pounding. Suddenly the camera was swinging everywhere and Louis is panting on the camera screen.

"Sorry, we're having, er......technical difficulties. Love you, bye!" He says, glancing to the side. I laugh when I see Harry about to jump on him in the background. He pounces and Louis turns the camera off right after you hear him shriek like a girl.

I was full on laughing now and it starts on the next one. I hear a knock and I practically bolt off the bed. I run up to the TV and turn it off, frantically.

With the fast movement, my stomach protested and I clutched my stomach and mouth, running into the hallway. I run into the loo and lean over the toilet. I start to throw up and hear some fast paced footsteps. I then feel someone gathering up my hair, making a messy ponytail that probably resembled a rat's nest. I grabbed some toilet paper without looking at who it was and wiped my mouth off, tossing it in the toilet and flushing it.

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