Chapter 4- Five Dollar Foot Long

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Why hello there?

How many buttons are you wearing??? Hmm????

Isn't that a weird and awkward thing to say? I had to ask people that and I said in a weird voice, wiggling my eyebrows, "How many buttons are YOU wearing?" I was joking around with my friends and a guy overheard and said, "WHOA! Calm down!"

Me and my friends died of laughter. But it was so embarrassing for me! But also hilarious! haha.


After talking to Lexi as she listened to me rant, I was satisfied. As satisfied as you can get when your ex who gave you a promise ring that you still wear and your ex is taken with another lady and coming back after a year. Also his friends, who I haven't spoken to in a year.

Wow, that's a lot of stuff. But then you can tell that I'm hardly sastified. Lexi was in the lounge chair, her wheelcheer beside it as I was laying on the couch as if I was talking to my therapist. Which I don't have, but this is how I've seen it at the movies.

"You just need to show that darn' tootin' boy what's he's missing." Lexi said in a country accent. I burst into laughter at her horrible attempt. She was already making me feel better. I wipe away the tears that have come to my eyes.

She cracked a grin, "I'm serious Dani. Make him jealous and make him realize that you're a new woman. A hot, new, cooler one."

"Is cooler even a word?" I interrupt.

She furrows her eyebrows, "What? I think it is..yeah-wait! Dani, show him what's he's missing on and make him regret his decision."

I nod my head thinking, how in the world would I do that? Lexi rolls her eyes, obviously seeing through my facade. "Sometimes I wonder how you even passed high school."

I smirk. I'm not going to college because of my singing career. I might go there later when this all blows over. "Then explain exactly what I need to do." I say slowly.

"Make sure you're with Adam a lot. Have him come over, hang out with us or have him pick you up here. Act like you don't care Louis' back especially with Abby and you've had a lot of plans. That you have moved on and prefectly fine. Look your best whenever you see him too...don't want to look like a rat and have him be like, oh my gosh, I'm so glad I'm not with HER anymore."

"Wow, I feel so much better." I say sarcastically. Lexi chuckles, "But do you get it?" I nod my head, actually getting it this time. But then my thoughts wander. What am I going to do with the ring? To truly prove I'm over him, I can't wear the ring. I don't want to loose it though. I'll just put it in a hidden place, so Louis can't find it if he ever comes by here or anything like that.

I get up and hug Lexi, then pull away. "Thanks Lex, that was just what I needed."

She nodded her head, grinning as she does a cheesy wink, "Sleepover? I bet Tiarne and Niall want alone time tonight." I laugh and agree.



Today is when the rest of the boys come. This week I've been mostly out and about or in Lexi's apartment. I've been avoiding Niall like the plague. A very bad one. Everyone was leaving to pick them up except Ethan because he's at work and me. I just put the promise ring in my jewelry box.

I was going to "mysteriously" disappear and be "busy". Notice the quotation marks? Yeah, I'm not really busy. I'm just going to leave and try to secretly Oh!

Or maybe I could hang out with Adam. Set the whole Lexi's plan in motion. Abby was going to be here. Throw up. Not really......gross. I just finished getting dressed and everyone had left already. It was summer here and warm so it made sense if I dressed for warm weather.

I had one black short shorts. I had on designer sandals and a gold ring with cut outs in it. My brown hair was in a simple loose, high bun. My shirt is hard to describe. It's kind of see through and tan and black. I had on gold bows earrings with white pearls in it. (Click on the external link to see it-it's really hard to describe, but really pretty. link if you don't click external: )

I grabbed my phone and text Adam, asking if he wants to go to the mall. A second later I got a reply saying he'll meet me there. I decide that we'll shop for a little bit then eat lunch there at McDonald's. I pat my stomach, grinning at my reflection in my mirror, "Gotta love McD's." I sing-song.

I then grab my wallet and put it in a little sling over purse, putting my phone and money in there. On my way out, I grab my car keys and apartment keys. I locked the door behind me and hopped in my car to drive to the local mall. I turned the radio up high.


I started singing on the tops of my lungs, but horribly off-key even though I make a living from singing right now. I was getting some strange looks from the family beside me.

Look away you weirdos! It's not like I'm forcing you to look at me dancing while driving in my car.


After a hour of shopping, we decided to go ahead and eat at McDonald's. We actually didn't buy anything and was just walking around, talking about nothing. We did get stopped multiple times by fans, asking for pictures and autographs. We were swinging our hands back and forth. With my free hand, I rubbed my stomach.

"Maybe we should go to Subway. It's healthier." I say, looking back at Adam. Adam's head swiftly turns to me, "Sure, but Dani, you're not fat. So shut up." He chuckles. I laugh and he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me into his side as we walk into Subway. We get our subs and slide into a booth. I was facing the door as Adam had his back to it.

I stuffed my sub in my mouth and groaned in bliss, "Yummmmm." He looks up at me, amused as he took a sip of his drink.

I swallowed, "What?"

He just chuckles and takes a bite. I roll my eyes when a chair catches my eye. More like a wheelchair. My eyes swift over to the chair quickly and see a little boy in it. I take a shaky breath. If it was Lexi, Tiarne, Abby and the boys, I have no clue what I would do. I look back at Adam. "Is yours good?" He asks.

I nod and hear some shrieking. I whip my head to the door and freeze. My eyes instantly swarming over thhem. Why subway? They haven't noticed me yet. Maybe I can escape.

But there by the only entrance.............crappity crap crap.

"Dani, what's wrong?" Adam asks.

I look over at him nervously, "Um, nothing. I'm just....I'll be right back."


SO?! What do you think? Please comment, vote and fan. i love reading the comments, you all are such amazing people. Love all of you! Anndddd happy birhtday Liam!!!! <3 <3 Even though it was yesterday, but I couldn't get on wattpad then. And school started!! Any funny jokes for me to do?


Somblondesaresmart <3 <3

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