Chapter 15- Christmas Presents

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It was now Christmas Eve, freezing and a wonderful time of the year.

Louis and I have gone public again and if anything, it caused a much bigger riot than before.

Louis was off in England, while I was an America, our mini tour already over.

The whole town was covered in snow, making me feel gleeful.

I walked down the street to my my apartment, seeing a random person leaving one.

"Merry Christmas!" I called out to the man, who turned around and smiled.

"Merry Christmas to you, too."

I nodded and kept walking towards my apartment. When I arrived, I unlocked the door and shrug my jacket off, shivering and hopped out of my boots. I walked slowly to my bedroom, looking around the decorated, cozy room.

Tommie was out with Harry in England for Christmas, I somehow got them together. It was grueling work, but I got Lexi's and Tiarne's help. Speaking of, Lexi and Ethan are visiting each other's family while Niall and Tiarne were in Ireland.

I was alone in the apartment, but I guess it felt nice. I opened my door and changed into some fuzzy pajamas and some socks.

After I changed, I grabbed my phone and walked to the kitchen, getting ready to make hot cocoa.

My apartment phone started to ring and I ran over to the phone, jumping over the couch to get it, hoping for it to be Lou.

"Hello?" I asked, panting from my ninja scene.

"Danielle, darling! Are you coming down for Christmas? John and his wife, Jenny is going to be there!" 

Ah, my mother. John was my step-brother. I hardly seen my parents now-a-days less likely John. We were never really that close.

"Oh, mom, you should've told me earlier, but I already have plans." I lied.

I heard her sigh on the other side of the line, "But Jenny's pregnant, your going to have a nephew or a niece."

"Tell them I said congratulations." I smiled, excited for the child.

"Why can't you tell them yourself?" 

"Mom, I have plans with Louis." I lied again, hoping she'd leave me alone. I didn't feel like catching driving for three hours to our house with my family while I hoped to see Louis.

"Okay, well, Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas mom, love you."

"Love you too, darling." She replied before hanging up. Sighing sadly, I gently put the phone back on it's stand and walked back the kitchen, grabbing my hot coca I left while rushing and my phone.

I walked back to the living room and turned on a Hallmark Christmas movie, the type that make you feel good.

The next morning, I slowly got out of bed, yawning as I stretched my hands above my head.

"Merry Christmas to me." I whispered, sliding my feet into some slippers and walking out into the living room.

I stopped when I saw the living room look different. The tree was shining, the fireplace on, another stocking hanging and presents other the tree.

I wrapped my arms around myself and walked over to the front door, seeing the door unlocked. Worried, I called out into the apartment, "Mom, did you surprise me?"

I didn't receive an answer and turned around.

I screamed in fright as I suddenly saw Louis standing in front of the tree.

He chuckled and opened his arms, which I gladly ran in it. His arms tightened around me and spun me around, placing a light kiss on my lips.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, excitedly as he sat us down on the couch. I leaned into his side as his arms stayed wrapped around me.

"Let's not worry about that." We locked eyes before chuckling. I layed my head back on his shoulders, basking in his warmth.

"I love you so much, Lou." I whispered, watching the fireplace.

I felt Louis lean down and kiss my temple, "Me too."


"Kidding love, I love you, too." My laughter filled the room as he grinned.

Slowly, Louis shifted me off of him and stood up in front of me.

"Where you going, Boobear?"

He ignored me and my eyes widened in shock as I saw his motions. He was bending down on one knee, holding out a silver ring, with a small, simple diamond, just my taste.

"Danielle Brooks, you are the love of my life and I can't imagine being separated from you again. I barely survived before. Dani, I love you more than God loves everyone in the world. You stole my heart the moment I kidnapped you in this very apartment, in this very room. I love the way your eyes squeeze closed and your nose scrunches up every time you laugh. Like this."

He demonstrated and I laughed, choking on the tears flowing down my face.

"I love the way the light hits your hair, how you can be really crazy and creative. But most of all, I love that you love me.

Danielle Brooks, will you marry me, Louis Tomlinson?"

I nodded my head, frantically, tears falling down me cheeks as he smiled and slid the beautiful ring on my finger.

He leapt up and crushed my in a hug, his lips capturing mine in a heated, but passionate, kiss.

Pulling away slowly, I grinned as I looked up at his enlightened face, "Merry Christmas, Lou."

"Merry Christmas, my true love." He whispered, before his lips landed on mine softly.

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