Chapter 32

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Kageyama's POV

"That was so good!" Hinata exclaimed as he tossed aside his watermelon peel. 

"You have to go put it in the trash dumbass." I said. 

"I know!" Hinata replied. 

"Good. Then go do it." 

"Ughh, fine!" Hinata grumbled. He then picked up the peel and walked towards the bins. So I got a few minutes of silence. Until Hishou jumped onto my stomach...

"Hishou what the hell!" Was what I wanted to say. But, he wouldn't understand a thing I said. So I gently picked him up and set him onto the grass so that I could sit up. Who was taking care of Hishou again? Oh yea, Yachi-san and Shimizu-san. I wonder where they went. 

"Ah! Kageyama-kun! Sorry! HE left without us noticing!" Yachi-san exclaimed followed by Shimizu-senpai. 

"It's fine. He's kind of my dog anyway. I should take care of him once in a while. You guys can chill if you want." I replied. 

"Really? Are you sure?" Yachi-san asked. I nodded. 

"Okay, If you say so. Just don't get him on the grass will ya? Hinata-kun will get mad." Yachi-san said.  

"Sure." I replied. Yachi-san nodded and left with Shimizu-senpai. 

"Alright. What are we doing Hishou." I asked the dog. 

"Omg, The king is talking to a dog. Wow!" Tsukishima taunted me. Why does he pop out of no where at the most worst times. Ughhhh!

"Yea yea what ever. I just have no idea what to do." I grumbled. 

"Lol. You're so stupid your majesty." Tsukishima said. Ughhhhh!

"Then tell me, what can I do?" I sarcastically asked him.

"Why not go pick up a stick and play fetch?" Yamaguchi said. I thought for a moment. 

"Yea, I'll do that. Thanks." I replied. I then stood up and walked away. Hishou barked at Tsukishima and followed me. And YES Hishou followed me! I searched around for a bit, a stick good enough. 'This one is perfect.' I thought as I picked one up, Especially for a small pomeranian like Hishou, This should be fine. 

"Here, Fetch," I said and threw the stick, Hishou then bounded off, and picked up the stick, and came back to me to return it, 

"Good boy," I said ruffling his fur and unlatched the stick from his mouth. 

"Fetch," I said once more. He ran away searching for the stick. Now looking at him, He kinda looks like Shouyo, but a dog, Where did this dog come from anyway. Ah, rest is over, 

"Good boy, Hishou, Let's continue later on yea?" I said to the dog. He barked in response. 

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