Chapter 10- The Journey To The End

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For the first time in Tony's life every thing was going the way he planned, he finally had Peter next to him and the boy was welcoming the help that Tony was trying to give him.
Last night for example.

The duo had their favorite dessert want watched movies all night until the boy had fallen asleep on in the embrace of Tony.
Right now was almost mid-day but the only awake was Tony as his protégé was still asleep. It was true that they had stayed up until late last night but enough was enough if the kid sleeps all day he will not sleep at night. So Tony started his way up the stairs into Peter's room. When he opened the boy was as expected asleep buried under the covers too many covers Tony noticed.

"Hey underroos it's time to wake up" Tony said earning no response from the boy

"come on sleepy head, it's almost noon" he tried again rubbing the boy's back

But when he did that he notice he was too hot and the fact that Peter continued unresponsive made his worry flare up.

"Pete, kid, you have to wake up" he said shaking Peter sleeping for, this time the boy open his eyes with a groan.

"Hey Pete, does anything hurt, you might have a fever" Tony said putting the hand on his forehead.

"My throat and my head hurt" Peter responded in a raspy voice

"Why don't we move you to the couch?" Tony said receiving a nod from Peter.

Helping him sit up Tony had to practically carry him to the couch. Laying him there he covered him with the promise of a soup in a few minutes

After an hour Peter had eaten his soup and as sleeping in the couch while Tony watched him. But the peacefulness of the house was broken by Tony's ring tone.

Going to the kitchen Tony answered the phone after seeing that it was Steve who was calling.

"Steve, is everything okay?"

"Not really, Tony you have to come back it's been three weeks that you're gone, you still have a company to run and people are starting to question where are you."

"shit... I can't come Peter is sick I have to take care of him" Tony said looking at peter who was still asleep.

"Is he alright?" Steve said with worry present in is voice.

"Its nothing serious I hope it's just a fever" Tony said with a sigh

"Look Tony we can't give more excuses, so why don't you come and Bruce can check on Peter" Steve said making Tony think, medical help would be good for Peter.

"Alright we leave tonight" He finally said

"See you tomorrow then" Steve concluded hanging up.

"FRIDAY prepare the jet" I said making the preparation for our departure.

"Pete, wake up" I said after a few hours of preparing for going back to New York.

"Don't wanna" he groans. Putting my hand on his forehead I confirmed that he still had a fever.

"come on you have to take a bath, the bathtub his full of warm foamy water" I said helping him up and leading him to the bathroom

"I'm in the kitchen if you need anything" Tony said Giving the boy privacy

In the kitchen Tony made sure to mix some sleeping pills on Peter drink to make sure he would not stress out during the flight since Tony knows the Peter does not fancy riding a plane.
It was a slow react pill some light stuff.

When Tony finished preparing the food Peter appeared in the entrance of the Kitchen dressed in his pajamas.

"Hey Peter, come take a seat and eat we have lots of stuff to talk about" Tony said gesturing Peter to seat.

"What is it Mr. Stark?" Peter asked in a raspy voice.

"we're going to New York, I have to take care of some Stark industries issues and Bruce will take a look at you" Tony said while taking a spoonful of rice

They are going to New York, peter couldn't believe. If Tony had said that a few weeks ago, Peter would start mastering a plan to escape but now he just didn't know.

When they finished eating Tony said to Peter to go rest in the couch because he still had to clean the kitchen, Peter accepted and laid on the couch trying to get rid of the scratch on his throat or the headache he had since he woke up
After about an hour Peter was woken up by Tony who already had cleaned everything up and prepared the jet

"come on Pete, it's time to go" Tony said making Peter groan

"want to sleep" he mumbled

"I know you can sleep on the jet" Tony said helping Peter up directing him to the door

"Put this on" Tony said putting on some warm slippers
walking to the jet Tony was practically carrying Peter.

Entering the jet Tony sat him in a previously reclined seat covering him up with a big warm blanket and taking off the slippers.

"You can sleep now Pete" Tony said brushing off the teen's curls noticing the still persistent fever.

"Goodnight" Peter responded turning on his seat curling himself on the blanket before drifting off to sleep

"we can go now Friday"

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