Chapter 2

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Peter pov

I woke up early and excited. Tony rarely invites me to a lab session, so I'm pretty excited can't wait to tell Mr Stark about my ideas to upgrade my suit. Can't wait till school is over, so I can head up to the tower.

"May, I'm going to Mr. Stark lab after school!" I announced "May?" I asked after getting no answer only them I spotted a paper sitting at the counter.

Working late this week- May

I put the paper back at the table with a sigh. Lately I never see May, she is never home, I can't remember the last time she had dinner with me. I just feel lonely sometimes. With that I leave home to school not even thinking of texting May.

Tony Pov

Finally the time as come in a few hours Peter will arrive and will never leave.

" Friday, tell Happy for him to pick up Peter from school" I said not wanting for Peter to take the train or swing to the tower especially in the cold weather.

Two hours later

"Boss, Peter as arrived" Friday announced making me jump from my work.

I head out of the lab in time of Peter exiting the elevator.

"Hi Mr. Stark!" Peter said with is cheerful voice.

"Hey kid, ready for our lab session?"

"So ready!"

"Come on then" I said wrapping an arm on his shoulder guiding him to the lab

"So how's your aunt kid?"

"I wish I knew, she's never home! I don't talk to her in weeks!" the kid said with a sad voice making me hate more that women that claims to care of Peter.

Time skip

"thanks Mr. Stark that was the best time I had in weeks" Peter said as we exited the lab

"I'm glad you liked! Before you leave come eat a snack, it's pretty late don't want for you to go home on an empty stomach"

"Thanks, Mr. Stark, I'm starving"

"I'm sure you are. Go sit on the couch while a make you something" I said entering the kitchen.

"OK" Peter said going to the living room

When i was sure that he was outside my seeing range I took a vial out of my pocket and poured into a glass of Peter favorite juice and mixed together.

Then I made a sandwich and took it to Peter that was sitting on the couch watching tv

" hey kid, here you go" I said giving him his snack

"thanks" he said starting to drink and eat the food

"so, what are you watching?" I asked making small conversation while the drug made its course.

"Star Wars" he answered with a grin Finishing the juice

"Didn't you already watched that movie a million times" I asked relived that the plan was going the like predicted.

"Yeah, I love Star Wars." he responded, already getting sleepy.

"I know Pete"

"So I'm getting tired, better be going on my away" he said lifting himself up the couch stumbling a bit. I smirk knowing that he wouldn't resist much longer.

"Are you OK Peter?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"I.. I.. Don't think so Mr. Stark" he said with a desperate look on is face.

"It ok Peter" I said getting closer to him

"... What..?" he said starting to fall. I quickly catch him, so he doesn't hit his head on the floor.

"it's OK just relax" I said in a quiet voice as he fell unconscious

"I will take care of you now" I said with a smile on my face.

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