Chapter 7

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Peter POV

Peter seat, you need to eat"

"Where are we? " I asked ignoring is request.

"Let's not worry about that now" Mr.stark said pulling out a chair for me to seat.

"No! You can't just drug me and take me to some random place"

Mr. Stark sigh "Peter, I did this for your own good"

"I didn't need you to do nothing!" I shouted starting to fell agited, I got up and head up to the front door.

"Where are you going?" I heard Mr. Stark asking with a annoyed voice.

"I'm getting out of here" I respond opening the door. Not waiting to hear his answer I ran out finding weird that the door opened without complications. After running for a while I quickly found out how the door opened we were in the middle of nowhere. In front of me was a with sanded beach that I know for sure doesn't exist in New York.

"shit, Pete, don't run off like that I'm an old man!" Mr.stark said catching up to me.

"We're not in New York" I said after a while with tears in my eyes.

"No, we're not" Mr. Stark said with a sigh

"No, no no this can be happening" I said freaking out falling on my knees.

" It's OK Pete, I'll take care of you know" Mr. Stark said hugging me.

Suddenly I got angry "NO! You've got no right, my aunt must be freaking out!

"Seriously Peter, why do you think I took your aunt doesn't take care of you. Just look at you your exhausted and underweight. You get home with bruises every day, and she doesn't even care."

"She's not abusive she is just busy with all her jobs" I said in denial

"She is busy with her friends Peter she just wants you to be her little maid." Mr. Stark said getting angry

"that's not true" I said starting to fell tears falling from my eyes

"If that's not true why did she send you this 'Peter where the hell are you! Come home and make me lunch right now!' "

"She isn't worried about you being missing she just cares about her fucking lunch" he added

Hearing that I started to sob, Mr.stark looked at my with sad eyes hugging me. After a while I looked up seeing the calm ocean waves but something else caught me attention.

"Mr. Stark, what is this?" I asked showing the bracelet that lied around my wrist. Mr. Stark looked at with before sighing

"It's a power inhibitor"

"Taking away my freedom wasn't enough" i said giving up, without my powers I would never escape from here.

"it's only temporary, Peter" Mr. Stark said getting up cleaning the sand that stuck tho his pants

" Come on kid, the food is getting cold you must be starving" he said helping me up starting to walk to the house... No to the manson, this is a million times bigger than my apartment.

"Welcome to your new home" Mr Stark announced while leading me inside and directing me to my seat.

" Here you go, Pete" he said putting the bowl of soup in front of me and giving me a spoon.

"Thanks" I mumbled starting to eat.

"While you eat I have to make a call, be right back if you need something I'm in the next room" he said exiting the room.


Tell me what you think in the comments and Ideias for the next chapter

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