Chapter 9

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Peter POV

A week as passed and I have to admitted that Tony's company as been great and I even managed to gain a few pounds but I can't shake the feeling that Tony is not gonna keep his promise and let me see my aunt.

Every time I ask him when I can see her he just changes the subject.

Right now I'm enjoying the beach while Mr. Stark is inside making dinner. It's getting a little late and cold but living in New York my entire life didn't give me much opportunity to go to the beach.

"Peter, get out of the water before you get sick!" I heard Mr. Stark say from the window before getting out of the ocean noticing how my fingertips were a little blue.

Picking up the towel that Mr. Stark had given me before coming outside and wrapped me up with it enjoying the warm that come with it.

Setting up my path to the house where Mr.stark was waiting.

"Go take a shower than come down to eat" Tony said while cutting the vegetables.

Nodding even though I knew he wasn't looking I went to my room to grab the fluffiest pajama I ever worn.

Going to the bathroom I opened the hot water while shivering enjoying how it heated up instantly.

After the shower I went downstairs where Mr. Stark was putting pasta in the plates.

"There you are, did you enjoyed your day in the beach?" Mr. Stark asked while we sat at the table and started to eat.

"Yeah the beach here is great, I even saw a fish like Nemo and Dory! Can you believe that?" I said while putting a spoonful of pasta in my mouth.

Mr. Stark chuckled hearing that.
"I'm glad you liked Pete, maybe one day I can take you snorkeling to see more nemos."

"About that Mr. Stark, when can I see my aunt?" I asked hoping for him to let me goo see her.

Sighing, Mr. Stark respond.
"Pete, I didn't want to hurt you but your aunt moved on."

"What ?you're lying!" I said getting angry.

"It's true, she tried to sell all the things in your room, which I brought by the way in case you want something of there, and she rented out to some dude." Mr. Stark said like he was talking to a child.

Looking at him with wide eyes opening and closing my mouth I tried to find something to say.

" It's okay, Pete, she doesn't deserve you nor that you shed tears for her"

Mr. Stark said trying to comfort me but only got silence

" What about this we are going to eat this then I think that I have two of our favorite tubs of ice cream in the freezer for dessert, and we can eat them in the couch while watching any movie that you like, how that sound?"
He tried again looking at me with a hopefully smile.

Smiling a bit I nod my head to him

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