Chapter 1

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It's been 3 months since Tony brought everyone back, more specifically, since he brought Peter back.

It's been 3 months since Tony started planning to take Peter away, no no to take his son home.

Of course, he never wanted to reach this point but with every patrol came an injury, he might have powers, but he can't heal a bullet to the head, not even the multimillion suit that Tony made for him. So that bring us here, to Tony finally, making the final arrangements to make sure everything was perfect for Peter, not that Tony had any doubts about his plan, but he could never be too sure. He had carefully planned everything to fit all Peter's likes, to make sure the boy adapted well to his new life. Now he only needed Peter to start his new life he had planned. 

"Friday, call Peter." Tony commanded is AI.

"Calling, sir..."

"Hey Mr. Stark!" Peter haply responded after picking up the phone, he was always happy when he talked to tony something that always warmed the genius heart.

"Hey kid! How are youdoing?" he greeted

 "Fine, Mr. Stark, I'm just heading home now. Hey, remember that Spanish test that you helped me study for? I got an A! " Tony smiled while heard Peter ramble on his phone, he just couldn't wait to hear his son stories every day while they ate and made their meals together, just like a family.

"That's great, kid, I knew you could make it! How about you swing by the Tower tomorrow to have a lab session?"

"SERIOUSLY MR. STARK?YES!" Peter said making Tony chuckle at his excitement.

"See you tomorrow, kid."

"Bye Mr. Stark."

"End call Friday."

With the call finished, Tony was meet with the silence of his lab, something that he hated, it meant that Peter wasn't there inventing something with him.

Tony decided to go to the living room where the team was sitting together watching some random film that was passing on TV.

"Peter is coming tomorrow!" He announced breaking the silence of the room turning everyone attention to him.

"So, you're finally going to do it?" Questioned Steve after a while.

"Yes, you know I have to. Unfortunately, It's the only way, and you're not stopping me." Tony said calm with threateningly voice at the end.

"We know Tony. And we are not stopping you. We know it's for the best. We all want Peter safe. And if that's the only way so be it" Steve said already had agreeing with Tony's plan weeks in advanced with the promise that he would help him. 

"I'm sorry. I'm just nervous that the plan doesn't work out." Tony said sitting on the couch with his head between his hands.

"Don't worry Tony by this time tomorrow Peter will be safe with you. At your new home away from all dangers" Steve said patting his back reassuring Tony

 "Yeah, you're right. I'm going to bed. It will be a long day tomorrow and I can't be tired". He said, being exhausted of making the arrangements for Peter all day. Everything would be perfect for his boy.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm going to bed. It will be a long day tomorrow and I can't be tired". He said, being exhausted of making the arrangements for Peter all day. Everything would be perfect for his boy.

"Good night, Tony."

keep you safeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon