Chapter 5

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Tony POV

After the call ends I realized that I forgot to do something. At this moment Peter still has is spider power and with them he can easily escape from me even with all the security I have, we'll not that easily but it's a risk that I'm not willing to take.

I walk to my briefcase that I left on the floor and start looking for my latest creation that I did especially for Peter: a power damper. I know that he's not going to be happy about it as he was with all the things I create for him but I'm only doing this for his safety.

I designed this as a bracelet that it will fell like it's not even there, it will incorporate around his wrist like a second skin so it will not bother him in any away.

I put everything in here, it as a GPS in case he escapes and a vital reader but I hope that I don't have to need any of these things but in the worst of situations I'm prepared.

After I have it in my hand I start to climb the stairs and head in the direction of Peter's room where he is still asleep.

I go to his side and take his and out of the blanket and put the bracelet around his wrist and watch is as it adapts to him. Now I'm the only person that can take it of, and that is not something that I plan on doing.

When I'm finished I put his hand back under the blanket and sigh.

"I'm sorry that I'm doing this to you Pete. But with time you will understand why I'm doing this and this is the best environment for you... Whether you like it or not." I said kissing his forehead.

"Goodnight son" I murmured closing the door

"Friday how much time till he wakes up?"

"I estimate that he will wake up in approximately two hours, sir. I recommend that he eats after he wakes up, sir"

After she said that I rolled my eyes, does she really think that I'm not going to feed him he's already underweight as he is I'm not going to be like his aunt if you could call her that.

"I'm not going to starve him you know." I murmured back.

"I know that sir. I did not say that." she responds in her usual sassy voice.

" whatever" I said as I go to the kitchen and start to gather the ingredient

"What will you make sir?"

"Chicken noodles soup. I don't want to overwhelm him with some heavy food especially after taking a sedative that could take out a horse"

"Good choice boss."

"I know I'm the best" I said with a smirk on my face while cutting the vegetables.

After a while my soup is ready to be served.

"Boss, Peter is starting to wake up"

"Here we go" I said while running up the stairs.

Peter POV

My head his a mess is the only thing that I can think right now.

I fell like I'm underwater and my mouth is filled with cotton and no matter what I can't open my eyes, but the worst of all is that I can't remember what happen.

As I start to open my eyes I'm greeted with an unfamiliar ceiling.

Where am I? I questioned while my heart start to pound in my chest and my breathing start to quicken.

"Peter, calm down" I hear a voice saying

I turn my head to the side and I see Mr. Stark standing there.

"Mr.stark? What di..did you do to me?" I said as the memories come rushing to my head.

"Hey calm down Pete it's alright. Breath for me" he tried to calm me down.

"In and out. Just like me" he said taking my hand and putting on his chest.

"In" he says while I tried to copy his breathing


"You're ok Pete, you're safe" he says while cleaning the tears that I did not realize that were coming out of my eyes.

"Mr Stark, what did you do?"

"What had to be done" he said with a serious voice.

"But I didn't do anything wrong" I said confused

"I know Pete, you didn't, your aunt did when she didn't took care of you" he said while putting a hand on my forehead.

I didn't understand, sure my aunt wasn't present but it's not like she hit me.

"But.." I tried to say only to be interrupted by him.

"enough with the talk, you have to eat I'm sure that your hungry" he said starting to help me get up

As he helps me stand I realize that I still stumble a bit and it's majorly Tony that supports my weight.

"You will fell better after you eat, something"

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