Chapter 4

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Tony pov

After I gave the drug to Peter I still had a couple of hours to kill before we arrived, so I took my laptop and started doing some work making sure that I wouldn't be bothered for a couple of days, so I could have all my attention to Peter knowing that the first days he would resist being there but I know that he will soon realize that this is the best option for him.

After that I did my work stealing glances at Peter now and then to make sure that he was still sleeping

"Boss, we will arrive in 30 minutes" Friday announced startling me from my work

"Great make sure we have a smooth landing"

"of course, boss"

I got up from my seat and started to put everything away and preparing for landing making sure that Peter's seatbelt was attached

"Just a few more minutes Pete" I said sitting next to him and attaching my seat belt looking outside the window seeing the island coming closer.

Few minutes later the plane lands safely on land and the doors opened.

"We arrived. The current time is 6 am" Friday announce.

After that I got up and detached both mines and Peter's seat belt and picked him up carrying him to his new home.

"Welcome home, Pete" I said as we entered the Manson.

"Let's go see your room shall we?" I said starting to climb up stairs to the second floor where his room was at the end of the hallway next to mine.

Opening the door to his room that I decorated with everything I knew he liked, I went to his queen side bed and laid him down under the sheets.

"Sweet dreams, son" I said kissing his forehead and exiting the room.

"Friday alert me when we wake up" I said going outside to carry inside my briefcase that I left on the plane.

"And Friday send the jet away." I said not wanting to risk Peter managing to hack on a plane and running away. Besides in case of emergency I could always use my suits that I keep well hidden on the island.

With that I entered once again the house going to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.

I laid down on the couch with a smile on my face since everything was going as I planned.

"Friday call the avengers" I said as the screen in front of me light up with the face of the avengers.

"Hey Tony! You already arrived?" asked Steve.

"yep a few minutes ago"

"How's Peter?" Clint asked.

"He's fine, sleeping in his new bedroom."

"I'm guessing that the drug worked" Bruce added

"He is sleeping like a baby. What about his aunt, did she caused any trouble?" I Asked curious.

"Nope she didn't even arrived, yet she's clubbing with some friend, didn't even bother to call Peter" Nat answer with venom in her voice

"Figures, at least we don't have to worry about her" I said getting sounds of agreement of the avengers

" well guys I'm hanging up" I announced

" alright take good care of Peter" Steve said hanging up


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