Chapter 21 Impress Me?(Good luck)

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The second they got back to their home base Patrick's lips attached to Pete's. Pete sighed in content especially when Patrick lifted him up with no problem and started walking through the base. Even while they kissed Pete had a vague idea of where they were going. They were going to the one place Pete hadn't been in ever. No one was allowed inside, be them human or vampire. They were going to Patrick's bedroom. The thought of going to Patrick's room made Pete's dick throb uncomfortably in his pants.

Once they were inside Pete felt himself dropped on the bed while Patrick shut and locked his door. Pete starred as Patrick shrugged off his blood stained jean jacket. Pete went to stand up to remove Patrick's shirt but a strong hand on his chest pushed him down. "I like you on the bed better. Take your clothes off."

Pete did as he was told shaking the whole time as he now lay completely exposed to Patrick. The problem being that Pete didn't know which Patrick he was going to get.It seemed like it was his sweet baby that he had fallen in love with at first but then he ordered Pete to take his clothes off. That wasn't something hunter Patrick would say,it is something that alpha vampire Patrick would say.

Looking up Pete got all the confirmation he needed which Patrick he was dealing with. It wasn't the sweet baby he knew,but it wasn't the cocky alpha that was so alien to him either. It was sort of a combination of the two. Patrick had ordered Pete to take off his clothes and was now playing with the hem of his own shirt turning a delicious shade of red. "Trick?"

"I'll be alright, I was just caught up staring at you."

"Oh my sweet baby. Want me to help you?" Pete stood up and this time Patrick didn't push him back down this time,he just nodded in response.

Pete smiled kissing Patrick softly as he ran his hands up and down Patrick's sides before breaking the kiss and slowly working on getting Patrick's clothes off.

Once Patrick was down to just his boxers he flushed bright red and Pete grinned like a cat that had gotten the cream. That was the Patrick that he had fallen in love with. Then he slowly worked Patrick's boxers down and his eyes widened. "You're bigger than me Lunchbox."

Patrick grinned sheepishly before leaning in and kissing Pete their tongues tangling as they fell onto Patrick's bed which Pete was surprised to learn was super soft.

As the kiss broke Pete started to map out Patrick's body with soft kisses and slow licks which made Patrick writhe underneath him in soft moans.

"Oh my sweet baby it gets better wait."

Pulling Patrick's legs up he pressed them against his chest. "Trust me baby I'll make you feel good."

The noise Patrick made when Pete dragged his tongue across his hole was inhuman. Then again Pete reminded himself Patrick wasn't exactly human. "Gods Pete yes more of that!" His long fingers twisted into Pete's hair.

Pete kept at it for awhile listening to Patrick's mewls of pleasure and thinking he could get off just listening to Patrick. However Patrick had other plans and next thing Pete knew he was on his back staring up at Patrick who wasn't blushing. Infact Patrick had a predatory grin on his face.

"Tonight Peter...I claim you as my mate for life."

Pete wrapped his arms around Patrick laughing softly as he kissed him. "I humbly accept and submit to you my Alpha."

Patrick grinned producing a bottle of lube and without hesitating started to work Pete open.Pete hissed clawing at the bed as he was worked open.

"--Trick please..."

Patrick made quick work of lubing his cock before pressing inside Pete who groaned at the stretching burn of Patrick breeching inside of him.

It took them awhile to find their rhythm but once they did it seemed to last forever and Pete was in awe of how hot Patrick looked during the act of sex. Pete felt himself drawing closer to release-impressive since he was untouched as of now- and Patrick's movements had become more erratic.

When they released Patrick had nipped Pete's neck,a classic move of an Alpha claiming their mate. Both of them falling into the bed. "I can't believe you came inside me dude."

Patrick smirked. "I said I was going to MATE you didn't I?"

Smiling softly and moving slowly because damn did his ass hurt, Pete kissed him. "I don't care Lunchbox..longs as you're here."

"Always will be, rest for now vampires or not we need to recover a bit."

Pete cuddled into Patrick who wrapped his arms around him tightly and smiled.

It had taken them a long time to get here but their love story was finally going somewhere.

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