Ch 17 I Will Never Be Like Him, Behind My Back I Already Am

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Patrick glared at William. "You cowardly bastard, that's what you are. Always have been.As for what I'm going to do." Patrick flicked his hand over at his gun;a move he had seen Pete do hundreds of time; when Pete did it he usually levitated an enemy and sent them flying. When Patrick did it his gun came flying into his hand and he re hooked it over his shoulder.

He walked over to where Pete was laying bleeding. "Any of you come near me..I'll blast your heads off. You did this to him I am going to FIX IT YOU WILL NOT STOP ME."

Patrick pulled Pete's head into his lap and stroked his hair softly leaning down to press his own bleeding lips against Pete's chapped ones.

During the soft kiss several lower level vampires came over. Patrick's newly acquired sensitive hearing picked up on them and he fumbled in his belt before grabbing a potion vile and throwing it in their general direction causing them all to scream in pain as the acid burned through their clothes and into their skin.

Joe and Andy watched helplessly as Patrick kissed Pete praying for something..what if William had stabbed him with a silver knife? It would've meant the end of Pete if a silver knife stabbed him through the heart.

Patrick's heart(even though it had already stopped) dropped slightly when he got no response from Pete. Perhaps the damage was done and this was the end.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity a hand caressed the side of Patrick's face. Patrick broke away after what seemed like lifetimes. His blue eyes locked onto Pete's brown ones. "Trick? Is it you?"

"It's me. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine what happened? Last thing I remember was being alone with William and I think he seduced me after torturing me to make me join him. I don't remember much else.."

"Later I'll tell you later right now we're still very much in their lair and William is very much still alive." Patrick stood up and pulled another potion off his belt;purple this time instead of the green one he had whipped earlier. He threw it at Ryan and Brendon and smirked. "Vampire can't cross it,sadly it will fade away soon enough. "

He helped Pete up and guided him to Joe and Andy where he un-tied him. "Watch Pete okay? Joe you did remember the first-aid kit right? Go get it out of the car,Andy I trust Pete to you."

"Trick what are you going to do?"

Patrick adjusted his hat and untied what everyone called his utility belt. "Andy the blue potion will help in any wounds Pete may have that are bad,the purple one is a vampire ward. As for what I'm going to do isn't obvious? I'm going to kick his ass." He nudged his head in William's direction.


"Pete...about that Patrick is..."

"The great Vampire Sniper and you said it yourself I am a bad ass hunter..I can handle him."

Patrick walked to the middle of the room and faced William. "You and on one,no tricks,no games. You asked me once why I hung around a vampire instead of letting you have him. You told me it was pointless,I was just a human I'd never be able to get him. I defied all your expectations of me tonight."

William smirked. "You turning means nothing,I'm still the Alpha and a lot stronger than everyone here."

"We'll lets fucking find out shall we?"

An unheard bell went off and both of them charged towards each other Patrick taking advantage of his shorter build to duck underneath him and slam the handle of his gun into William's stomach hard enough to knock the wind out of him. "You don't fight like a sniper Tricky.."

"Because of you my family was killed,so I had to change my style a bit to survive. I was ready to submit to die..but then I met Pete and he is a reason to live."

"You should've seen him when I had him..he submitted so easily like the pathetic being he--" The bullet pierced through William's shoulder resulting in him hissing.

"You were saying? My boyfriend isn't pathetic . You're pathetic. You had to use your powers of seduction and charm to lure him to you. I didn't need to do---"


Patrick had his own gun aimed at his head. His friends (plus one shocked boyfriend) turned and saw it was William controlling him. "So what do you all think? The great vampire sniper killed by his own weapon it's a great end no?"

Pete was struggling against Andy's hold..Patrick was in trouble and he could help. He was a vampire,he could fight mind control although he didn't know how effective it would be against William. Just as he finally wiggled from Andy and Joe he saw Patrick's gun starting to lower and then it was thrown in Andy and Joe's direction. "Protect it..and use it to protect yourselves if necessary. Protect Pete too...I'm going after him."

Pete's eyes widened..Patrick's eyes were flashing in between his normal gorgeous blue and red. And protruding from Patrick's gorgeous mouth were two fangs. No,no,no,no..when did that happen?! Patrick's fingernails were extending into long claws and it seemed the mind control was broken.

"You're smart Stumph,I'll give you that letting your vampire genes take over to lesson the mind control since it's harder to control a monster than a human but now whose to say you won't hurt your friends? Or heaven forbid Peter? I could have you kill him you know--"

William was tackled down to the ground with an extreme speed Pete knew had to be superhuman and he had to accept it..Patrick wasn't human anymore he was a vampire too.

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