Ch 7 Where Is Your Boy Tonight?

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Patrick was sitting on the couch, reading a book. He

looked up and screamed when he saw Ryan. "W-who are

you?" he stammered. Ryan smirked and grabbed Patrick

by the arm. Patrick struggled and hit Ryan in the face

with his book. Ryan growled and punched Patrick in the

face, knocking him back against the wall. His head

slammed against the wall and he was knocked

unconscious. Ryan smiled as he picked up Patrick,

dragging him out of the house and back to the

vampire's lair. Brendon smiled as his boyfriend

returned with their captive. "See that, Beckett?" he

laughed. "There's your bait." Ryan dragged Patrick

down to the dungeon and stood him up, chaining his

wrists and ankles to the wall. Patrick slowly regained

consciousness and looked at Ryan. "Where am I?" he

groaned. Ryan laughed, exposing his fangs. "Welcome to

the vampire lair. You're going to help us get Wentz."

Patrick struggled against his restraints. "Never!" He

screamed. "I'll never help you!" Ryan smacked Patrick

across the face and laughed. "You will help us. You

have no choice." He continued to laugh as he left the

room, leaving Patrick alone and helpless.

Pete and the gang returned home. Andy frowned,

noticing the front door was wide open. "Something's

not right..." Pete ran into the house, looking around

for Patrick, calling his name out repeatedly. He began

to panic as he continued to search for Patrick, unable

to find him. Andy and Joe walked into the house and

frowned, watching Pete. "What do you think happened?"

Joe asked. Pete sighed as he sat down. "I don't know,

Joe...I don't know."

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