Ch 16 That's When You're Done

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William's eyes grew wide as he stared at Patrick. "How did you..." he gasped and looked over at Pete. Pete stood beside William, wounded and defeated. Patrick moved over to Pete and took his hand. "Peter, sweetie, it's me. I've come to save you." Pete blinked and shook his head. " can't save me now...its too late. I belong to William now." Patrick narrowed his eyes and immediately attacked William. He threw him against the wall and began punching him all over. William pushed him away and grabbed Pete, holding him in front of him, like a shield. "Come and hit me now, Patrick. Go ahead. I DARE you." Patrick frowned, glaring at William. "You coward," he growled. "Let Pete go and deal with me yourself." William smirked and moved his hand over Pete's chest, revealing a dagger. In one swift motion, he plunged the dagger into Pete's chest, a smirk creeping upon his lips. Pete gasped as his eyes rolled back, blood pouring out of his wound. William threw him onto the ground with a laugh. "Now what are you gonna do Patrick?"

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