Ch 9 Temptation Waits

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Pete followed Brendon back to the lair. "Okay, release

Patrick. You don't need him now. Keep him out of

this." Pete growled. William walked over to Pete and

laughed. "Oh, but we do need him, Peter. You see, as

long as he's out of our hands, he'll oppose us. But

now that I have him locked up, its only a matter of

time before you kill him." Pete pushed William against

the wall and growled, "I'll never hurt Patrick. You'll

never make me." William snickered and snapped his

fingers. Pete felt himself being pulled off of William

by about ten or more vampires. He struggled to break

free from their hold as William ordered them to lock

him in the dungeon with Patrick. Pete screamed at

Beckett as he was led away. "I'll get you, I'll

fucking kill you!"

Meanwhile, Andy and Joe sat at home trying to device a

plan to get Pete and Patrick back. Joe sighed and

rested his head against Andy's shoulder. "It just

seems hopeless...we don't even know where they are."

"Have hope, Joe. We'll find them," Andy smiled and ran

his fingers through Joe's hair. "let's get some sleep.

We'll be able to think better after we get some rest."

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