Ch 5 I Don't Blame You For Being You

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Pete awoke inside his locker, hungry and barely able

to contain the bloodlust. He banged on the door,

threatening to break it open. Patrick awoke quickly

from the commotion and jumped out of bed. He ran over

to the workbench, pouring the ingredients into the

blender franticly, hoping the mixture would be

completed in time. Joe and Andy ran over to the

locker, stakes in hand, silently praying they would

not have to use them on their dear friend. Patrick

finished the mixture and ran over to the locker,

unlocking it and falling back as Pete lunged at him.

Andy pulled Pete off of Patrick, barely able to

constrain the vampire as he tried to break free. "Now,

'Trick!" Andy yelled nervously. Patrick nodded and

poured the liquid into Pete's mouth as Pete tried

desperately to attack Patrick. Finally, Pete calmed

down as Patrick watched him with tears in his eyes. He

hated seeing Pete like this because he knew how much

Pete hated not being able to control himself anymore.

Pete looked at Patrick and sighed. "I'm sorry, Trick...I

really am. I wish things could be different...better."

"Don't be sorry, Pete. This isn't your fault. I don't

blame you."

"You should. I'm not me anymore. I'm a monster..."

"Pete, I love you. I don't care if you're a vampire. I

love you...I always have."

Pete shook his head and pulled himself away from Andy

and Patrick. He tried not to cry but couldn't hold

back the tears. "You don't understand! You'll never

understand! I could KILL you, Patrick! KILL!" Pete

sobbed, falling down onto the ground and swaying back

and forth. "You're my everything...I can't risk it!"

Patrick stared at Pete, unable to find words and

simply sat down beside him. He rocked Pete back and

forth gently, stroking his hair until he finally

lulled him back to sleep.

William paced around the lair, anxiously trying to

figure out how to capture Pete. He desperately wanted

him to join them. He glanced over at Brendon, frowning

slightly when he noticed the smirk on the younger

vampire's face. "What are you happy about?" William

growled. Brendon continued to smirk and stated simply.

"Things are looking good." "How?!" William shrieked.

"Well, my newest recruit is growing stronger everyday.

I think soon enough he'll be as powerful as

Wentz...maybe even more. And I've come up with a way for

you to capture Wentz."

"And how would I do that?"

Brendon flashed a toothy grin, exposing his fangs.

"Use Patrick as bait." 

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