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hAhAA!! SIKE!!! I AM going to tell you what the heck's up with the note.

So, basically, Deci was abused by his own parents (kinda like Virgil was). That's how he got all those scars on his face. Most of his lying and acting out and absuing Roman was because of this upbringing. After Roman left, however, Deci's parents got the police called on them after neighbors heard screaming coming from their house and they were found out and put in jail. (kinda like Virgil's parents! And don't worry, they died shortly after as well :D)

Deci was put in foster care, where he met Thomas and his family, who ended up adopting him and taking him in. He was given a therapist and has been making excellent progress becoming a better person. :) He feels bad about what he did to Roman and is trying to stop hiding his thoughts and feelings with lies. Ergo, the note. He was hoping to apologize and reconnect, as they are now neighbors and will be going to the same school and it just would be a good thing to do, considering what he did.

They do end up coming to terms with each other(after a WHILE), and while Roman can't really forgive Deci, he understands he's a much better person now than he was, and they get along well enough.

Virgil hates him for what he did to Roman, but after Roman and Deci come to terms, he slowly accepts him as well.

Patton is furious at first, but he is the quickest to forgive this new Deci, of course. He goes over to Thomas and Deci's house every friday for a bake-off to see who can make the most delicious cookies. Virgil is always in attendance for these(he's the judge).

Logan took as long as Virgil to get along with Deci, but after Patton and the others got along with him and started having bake-offs and he saw that Deci was really trying to be a better person, he decided it would be illogical to stay mad. Once, Patton got him to compete in one of the bake-offs. He won hands-down.

They all get along with Thomas much easier than they do Deci. Thomas acts as a kind of older brother to the group(being the dad is Patton's job), and he tries to work out any built up tension as well as he can.

SO, why was he acting so creepy when Virgil first met him, you ask? Well, that's just kinda how he is. (He also doesn't really like Virgil. He's a little jealous. The problems created from this more or less dissolve after they all spend more time together though)


Aaand there you go! It's done. Don't like the ending? Make up your own! I just want them to have a happy ending. Hope you enjoyed! :) Again, thank you all. ❤💝🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍❤

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