Shut Up and Cuddle Me

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{Meanwhile . . .}


I walked out of the room, leaving Virgil and Roman alone to talk. I couldn't help the giddy smile on my face. They were so cute! I knew everything would work out.

I remembered Logan must have overheard everything, too, and nervousness rose to take the place of my happiness for Roman and Virgil. I looked around for Logan, and realized he wasn't around. Confused, I walked back down the hall into the living room. The only light in the room was coming off of the TV screen. The movie was paused.

Logan was sitting on the couch. He was looking at the wall, staring off into space. The glow from the screen outlined him in a blueish light. Slowly, I approached him, sitting down beside him. I studied him for a moment, but I couldn't make out his expression. He looked thoughtful, confused, and a bit stunned, but also something else. I couldn't figure out what that something was.

His voice startled me a bit. "Is it true?" he asked without looking at me. There was a certain . . . unsureness . . . . . hopefulness . . . in his quiet voice that made him not sound like his normal self at all.

I blinked, "Is what true?"

There was a long pause. "When . . . When you said you . . you know . . did you mean it?" he turned his head to look at me.

I took a deep breath. No getting around it now. You can do this, Patton. I locked eyes with him, "Yes."

Before I knew what was happening, Logan had tackled me in a hug. I was almost knocked over onto my back. Logan let go quickly, "S-Sorry! I do not know what came over me."

I giggled, "It's ok." I paused, then added hopefully, "Does that mean you like me back?"

Logan looked at the floor, his cheeks dusted pink. "Um . . ." he nodded.

I let out a happy squeal and threw my arms around him, cuddling into his side. Logan's blush deepened to a red. He turned and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. I sighed contently, snuggling further into him, "I love you, Logy!"

He couldn't hold back a smile, "I share your affections, Patton."

{Back in the other room . . .}


I was curled into Roman, with my head on his chest, and I can't remember ever being happier (well, ever since the last time I was with Roman . . .). My head screamed with doubts and anxieties, voices hissing at me that this will all go wrong in the end. But as Roman held me tighter and started playing with my hair again, I felt myself relax a bit. I could let myself have this one thing, this one moment, even if it would all go horribly wrong eventually.

And then Roman said something that startled me. He whispered, "I love you." I was stunned. He . . . He must have been joking, right? He couldn't . . actually love me back . . . right? No, no. No one could love me - especially not the most pretty person in the world.

Roman let out a brief laugh, "Well, thank you, but I do love you back."

I looked up at him, confused. He chuckled at my expression, "You might have said that out loud, kitten." Did I? Well. Shit.

I felt a blush rise to my cheeks. "If you tell anyone I thought you were pretty, I will kill you." I hissed.

Roman tried (and failed) to hold back a smile, "Duly noted." he paused, then added, "You know, you're cute when you blush."

My blush deepened to a dark red, "W-Whatever, pretty boy."

Roman grinned, "Pretty boy? That's a new one."

"Shut up and cuddle me."


That night, Virgil fell asleep in Roman's arms. Logan and Patton fell asleep, too, cuddled up to each other on the couch. And everything was okay . . . . for the moment.

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