Author's Note

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Hey . . . so . . . Merry Christmas? Happy Holidays? Ugh. I'm sorry - my plan was to put up another chapter on Christmas, but I've been hanging out with family for the holidays and I got MAJOR writers block, soooooo that didn't happen, unfortunately. I'm sorry. I would've just updated late, but I'm drawing a blank on what to write - writers block and all that. So, sorry. I did get those two other Holiday chapters out before Christmas, though, so not a total loss I suppose.

Anyway, I'll be going back to normal chapters now. Oh - and, since I think I'm nearly done with this book (I still have a few ideas), I think I'm going to probably either do a sequel to this book featuring them in High School, or do the same thing but have it not be related to this. It depends on how the rest of this story goes, and what you guys want. I might also do a one-shot book where I can write out ideas I've been having and take requests. Would you guys like that?

Happy Holidays guys! Hope you had a Merry Christmas, and stay positive!

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