Thank You

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A/N: Ok. Before we start the chapter, I just wanted to say thank you! When I first started this, I didn't expect anyone to read it, really. But, as of now, this has over 400 reads! And people are voting on it and leaving comments . . . like, when did this happen?? It really makes my day knowing people are enjoying my work. Thank you! :3

Oh, and there are mentions of blood in this chapter, but nothing that bad.


"HE DID WHAT TO MY SON?!?!" Patton screamed through the phone.

I winced, holding the phone arm's length away from me. Hesitantly, I put it back up to my ear, "Patton, shh! His parents might hear you." I told him as I opened another cupboard in Virgil's bathroom. I was looking for painkillers. "I know how you feel, though. I swear I'm going to punch that man."

"NoT bEfOre I KiLl hIM FiRsT!!" Patton fumed, "No one hurts my son!! I'm going to pHySicAlLY FiGhT hi - "

His voice was cut off as someone took the phone from him. I heard someone say 'Patton, calm down', and then Patton gasping and saying 'NO' before Logan came on, "Sorry about Patton - he needs to calm himself before he hurts something." there was an indignant gasp, then sounds of a struggle.

I heard Patton's voice 'I don't need to calm down - you need to get riled up! Don't you care that Virgil's hurt?' Logan scoffed. 'Of course I care! I am furious! I just think we need to keep a level head if we are going to figure this out.'

They kept bickering. I sighed, rolling my eyes with a smile. Placing my phone on the counter next to the sink, I went back to looking through the cupboards. Finally, I found what I was looking for and went back out into the room where Virgil was waiting on the bed.

He looked up as I entered, "What did you get?"

"Some antibiotics, an ice pack, and painkillers." I replied, setting everything down on the bed. "Oh - and here's your hoodie. You left it at Patton's house." I handed it to him, and he took it gratefully, pulling it on.

I sat down on the bed next to him. Taking a small, damp towel, I dabbed at the blood on his face. He flinched away, his hands jerking up to cover his face, and I stopped. "Sorry. Did I hurt you?" He paused, then shook his head and lowered his hands, letting me wipe the rest of the blood and tears off his face.

I got up again to wash off the cloth, when suddenly Virgil grabbed my arm. "Wait." I looked back at him in confusion. "I - just . . . thanks. For . . . you know." he let go of my arm and looked down at the floor.

I smiled at him fondly. I put a hand on his shoulder, and he looked back up at me. "Of course, Virgil. Don't mention it." he smiled a little back and I felt my heart nearly burst.

Reluctantly, I turned around and walked back into the bathroom. I started to wash off the towel and picked up my phone. Logan and Patton were still talking on the other end.

'. . . and I'll give you a cookie. Can I have a phone back now, please?' Logan was saying.

'Two cookies.' Patton huffed.

'Fine, fine! Two cookies!'

There was a giggle. Finally, Logan's voice called into the phone, "Roman?"

"Still here." I answered, smiling.

"Good. Sorry about all that. Patton is very . . . emotional." there was an audible huff in the background. "So what happened exactly?" I explained everything as best I could, and Logan listened intently on the other end. When I finished, Logan let out a sharp sigh, "Clearly Virgil's situation is worse than I previously anticipated. Is he alright?"

"I think so. I helped him through a panic attack, and I'm trying to treat his wounds right now the best I can." I replied, finishing washing off the towel and wringing it out.

"Okay. Thank you, Roman."

I smirked, "I know, I'm amazing! No need to thank me, really!" I chuckled, then cleared my throat, "But in all seriousness . . . I'd do anything to make sure Virgil was okay."

Logan sighed, "Agreed." there was shuffling, then muffled voices on the other end of the line before Logan came back on, "We have to go for now, but we will call back later to see how Virgil is doing. Patton will want to talk to him to make sure he is okay."

I nodded, "Sure thing." then the call ended and I put my phone away as I went back to Virgil. "Logan and Patton are worried about you." I told him as I sat down on the bed and started to apply the antibiotics.

Virgil smiled, "Patton threatened to punch my dad, didn't he?"

I shook my head, "No, no, I threatened to punch him. Patton wanted to kill him."

Virgil laughed. He actually laughed. It was brief, only lasting a couple seconds, but it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. I must have froze in surprise and delight, because suddenly Virgil was waving a hand in front of my face, looking concerned. "Roman? Hello??"

I snapped out of it and shook head as if to clear it, "S-Sorry."

"You good?"

I stared at him for a long moment, not being able to help the large smile on my face. Then I looked away with a shrug, "It's nothing."

"What?" Virgil prompted, narrowing his eyes, "What is it? Why are you smiling like that?"

I looked back at him, debated for a moment, then said quietly, "You laughed."

His cheeks lit up with a light blush, "S-So? My laugh is ugly."

I shook my head, "No, you . . . you have the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard." I told him sincerely, subconsciously moving closer to him.

This didn't help the blush on his cheeks. He looked down, "No, I don't."

" . . . Virgil."

He didn't look up.

"Virgil." I reached down and tipped his chin up so he had to look at me. "You." I paused, "You are the most amazing person I have ever met." I moved my hand to his cheek. He searched my eyes for any hint that I was joking or lying, but he found none. "And," I moved a little closer to him, "I," I leaned down, "love you." I closed the gap between us.

Virgil tensed in surprise at first, then melted into kiss. It was the best few seconds of my life. When we finally broke apart, we were both smiling. "Roman?" Virgil asked, locking eyes with me.


"Thank you."

Parents (Prinxiety Fan-fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin