Blackout Stories

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A/N: So I got the idea for this chapter from Emma_strider, which was really helpful because I've been kinda low on ideas (although I'm a bit better now). If anyone else has any ideas for the story they want to share, feel free to leave a comment about it and do so! I'll always appreciate it! :)


After I helped Virgil to feel better after his nightmare, we all spent the rest of the day together, playing video games, making cupcakes and cookies, and just hanging out and talking. We were currently all in the kitchen, talking and waiting for a batch of sugar cookies to finish baking.

"I want to make chocolate chip cookies next!" Virgil said through a mouthful of cookie. He was sitting on the counter, nibbling a peanut butter cookie, looking adorable as ever.

I sniggered, leaning against the counter opposite him, "We just made a batch of those, like, fifteen minutes ago."

He wrinkled his nose at me in the cutest way possible, "Well, yeah, but they're my favorite, so they'll be gone the quickest." he finished off the cookie in his hands before continuing, "Therefore, we need to make twice as many."

I laughed with a shrug, "Fair enough."

"I do not think we need to give Virgil anymore cookies than he already has - it is very unhealthy." Logan piped up. He was standing next to Patton, who was sitting cross-legged on the floor.

"Ha!" Virgil snorted, "Says the guy who's literally holding a giant cupcake right now."

Logan huffed indignantly. "This is only my second cupcake - you have eaten twenty cookies, three cupcakes, and a spoonful of cookie dough in the past hour."

Virgil opened his mouth to protest, but he was cut off by my sudden burst of laughter, "How do you know that?"

"I pay attention, unlike some." Logan smirked and took a bite of his cupcake.

"GUYS I HAVE AN IDEA - " Patton jumped up suddenly after being quiet for a while, causing all of us to jump. Patton giggled, "Sorry. I just got this idea - what if we make tonight a movie night? We can each pick a different movie to watch!"

"Sure!" we all agreed at the same time. Patton squealed happily.

So we finished the baking, picked the movies, and made sure to have lots of blankets and pillows. Finally, everything was ready. I sat down on the couch just as Patton put the movie in. Virgil vaulted himself over the couch, ending up in a sitting position next to me. He had a giant chocolate chip cookie in hand. I glanced down at it, then back up at him, giving him a look. He just giggled evilly, shifting to lean on me so that I was supporting him and his head rested on my chest. I rolled my eyes with a sigh, wrapping one arm around him and smiling down at him as he nibbled his cookie.

Patton finished setting up the movie and then bounced over to couch, curling up next to Logan as the movie started.

We were watching for a while, when, right in the middle of the movie, the lights flickered and then suddenly everything shut off and it was nearly pitch black. I groaned. I heard Patton shift around nervously, "What happened?"

"A blackout." Logan's voice explained. Patton whimpered, and I heard him snuggle closer to Logan. He didn't like the total darkness. "We will have to wait for the power to come back on. It might take a while." Patton whimpered again at this. "But I am sure it will be over soon!" he added hastily.

"What'll we do in the meantime?" I asked, already starting to get bored.

Suddenly, Virgil's head popped up, almost hitting me, "SCARY STORIES!"

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