Ideas and Unspoken Thoughts

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As soon as Logan had turned his back, Virgil was in front of me with a pleading look in his eyes. I almost gave him the cookie dough right then. He looked so cute. Instead, I raised the bowl above my head, where he couldn't reach and told him, "No." like how you tell your cat not to do something.

He whimpered and reached up, "Come on!" I shook my head and he dropped his hands back down. He pouted a moment, then looked up at me again with big puppy-dog-eyes, "Pwease?"

Shit. How am I supposed to resist this adorable little kitten? I felt a blush rise to my cheeks as he stepped closer, "Pwetty pwease?" he pleaded. Goddamnit.

I sighed and handed him the bowl. He snatched it from me and purred in satisfaction. He really was like a little kitten. He sat on the counter and happily took a big bite of cookie dough.

Logan turned back around and let out an angry gasp. He glared at me, "Roman! I told you not to let him have the cookie dough! He will make himself sick."

I scoffed, crossing my arms, "It's not my fault! He knows exactly how to get to me."

Virgil snickered, "He can't resist me." he smirked at me, looking quite pleased with himself. I felt myself blush a deeper red. It was true - Virgil was my weakness.

We spent the rest of the afternoon eating cookies, playing games, and laughing till our sides hurt. Before we knew it, it was 9:00 and it was getting dark. We were sitting up in Patton's room, just hanging out and going on our phones, when Virgil got a call. He looked at who it was, and his face dropped.

"I'll be right back," he said, then let out a gloomy sigh as he walked out of the room and reluctantly answered it. After a moment, I heard shouting, and then Virgil came back into the room with a dark look.

"Who was it?" I asked hesitantly.

He didn't answer at once, sitting back down next to me and letting out a long sigh. "My dad." he finally said.

"Ah." I said. "What was he mad about? If you don't mind me asking, of course."

Virgil shook his head, "No, it's fine. See, I snuck out of the house to get here, and they didn't know I was going anywhere, so that's why he was mad."

I nodded, and everyone was silent for a while. Virgil sneaking out was not a new thing for me. He used to sneak out all the time and come over to my house. We spent so many hours together that summer of 5th grade. He would sneak out of his window and come to my place and we would talk and rant and watch Disney together. I remember one night when we watched a scary movie (for some reason, I don't remember exactly why) and Virgil got scared and curled into me and I learned how to calm him down by playing with his hair. I was his favorite back then. I wondered if I was still his favorite now. I studied him for a moment, and that's when I got an idea.

I jumped up, "MOVIE NIGHT!!" I shouted.

Virgil jumped too, out of surprise, and let out a yelp, "ACK!! What?"

I sat back down, "Sorry. We should have a movie night!"

Patton squealed. Logan put down his book, exchanged a look with Patton that I couldn't figure out, and nodded in agreement. Virgil shrugged, "Sure, pr - Roman." he stopped himself from using the nickname he gave me. I realized he's never called me that in front of anyone - only when we were alone.

Patton looked at Virgil curiously, but didn't ask about it. Instead, he asked, "What movie do you want to watch?"

I scoffed, "Disney, obviously!"

"Maleficent." Virgil said suddenly.

"What?" I asked, confused at first.

He looked up at me very seriously, "We're watching Maleficent." something about his tone made me not even want to think about arguing with him.

I nodded, "Ooookay!" I turned to Patton, "Where do you keep your DVDs?"

Patton rolled off the bed and stood up, "They're all in the small cabinet next to the TV downstairs."

"Okay!" I said, "I'll set up the movie, Patton can get blanket, Logan is in charge of pillows, and Virgil can get snacks." I listed off the tasks and pointed to each of us in turn. "Let's go!"


While everyone went off to set up for the movie, I pulled Logan aside into one of the guest rooms.

"What is it, Patton?" he asked me, an inquisitive expression on his face.

I fidgeted with my hands. "Um . . ." Come on, Patton. I told myself. You can do this. Just tell him! "I just - when do you want me to pull Virgil aside?" No!

"I would say about a quarter way or half way through the movie." He told me, adjusting his glasses.

I nodded, looking down at the floor and shuffling my feet. Why is this so hard? I know what I want to say - I've thought about it for months now! So . . . why can't I say it? Why do I feel so nervous?

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I realized Logan was staring at me in concern. "Are you . . . quite alright, Patton?" he asked, a bit worriedly.

I brightened quickly, putting a smile on my face, "Yeah! Of course!"

". . . okay, if you say so." he shrugged.

I paused, "Just, uh, you sure this will work?"

Logan nodded, smirking, "Everything has gone according to plan so far. We got both of them here, and Roman's movie night idea will be perfect. Do you know what to do?" I nodded and he continued, "Good. Then there is nothing left to do but get everything set up like Roman wants it and wait."

He turned and we were about to walk out of the room when I suddenly grabbed his shoulder, "Wait!"

He turned back around and peered at me, "What? Is something wrong?"

Yes! "Um . . ." I bit my lower lip. Do think of me just as a friend? Just as a friend? Or do you secretly wish Virgil was right when he called us boyfriends? Do you get a nervous and fluttery feeling when you're around me, too? . . . do you love me? The questions whirled around in my mind, like they always did, but I didn't say any of that. Instead, I just shook my head, "No, never mind."

He looked worried and slightly puzzled, "You know, if something is on your mind, you can talk to me. I would be happy to listen."

I smiled, almost genuinely. "Thanks, Logy, but I'm fine. Really!"

He let out a small sigh, but didn't press me further. He just nodded and walked out of the room, leaving me alone. I let my smile fall, now that no one was in front of me to see. How was I ever going to admit any of my feelings to him? I sighed and looked at the floor. Suddenly, I got an idea. A smile came back to my face - real this time - and I perked up, running out of the room, already devising a plan in my head.

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