Stranger in the house

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I came home to find Tray in the living room with some girl. I never met her before and I wasn't interested. He said she was just a friend but I couldn't believe that. I walked in and they both tried to greet me but I ignored them and went to the room with my daughter.

Tray followed me and I just didn't pay him any mind. "Hey why did you walk away I wanted to introduce you to someone." He said.

"No im not meeting anyone. How could you bring some girl around me. If I did that to you it wouldn't be good." I said.

"Look she just a friend." He said

"I don't care if it's just a friend." I said yelling.

We argued for the next 10 minutes and he left out the house with the girl. It was just disrespectful and wrong . He knows I'm hurt and he does this to me. I just had enough of his ways. I'm so tired of letting myself stay to get hurt even more. This just wasn't right to me.
We should have respect for one another. I need my own space because this was frustrating me.

I went to bed and woke up to someone yelling very loud. I jumped out of bed and opened the room door a little. I seen the girl from last night and tray yelling at each other. She was getting in his face and he pushed her back. She hit him and they were arguing about something.

I didn't know what it was but it was crazy. My baby was sleep and they should not be so loud in the morning. She threw something at him and she tried running but he caught her. He pulled her and grabbed her hard. I just closed and locked the door. I sat down and was in deep thought. I heard her screaming "STOP IT TRAY." After a few minutes I looked out the window and she was in her car and driving away. I didn't know what was going on but it was sad. I would never put my hands on anyone. This household was getting worse and worse by the day. This wasn't good for my daughter to be around. I couldn't see myself letting her out my sight.

I started to pack my bags and figure out what I was going to do. Where was I going to stay? How was I going to take care of my baby? Should I runaway and never come back? These were the questions going through my mind. I prayed about my situation and just hoped for the best.

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