𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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The next few weeks were stressful, the group atmosphere had become increasingly more intense as Kageyama and Hinata split from being 'dynamic duo' and fall out of sync with each other. The week-long training camp in Saitama was fast approaching, as well as summer break so everyone seemed to be more determined with a spring in their step; all except one.

Lily watched, narrowing her eyes as the team played, watching the tall blonde closely. It was the day before the training camp started and usually, Lily would be overjoyed at this fact, to see Kenma and Kuro of course but she just felt upset that Tsuki didn't take volleyball more seriously; he was a really good blocker when he actually tried. She just wished he knew that too.

Everyone dispersed and went home only to return hours later to board the bus. Hinata was happily chatting away, feeling overjoyed to actually be joining the rest of his team unlike last time. "It must be so nice being a simpleton," Tsuki muttered as the bus journey began. Lily and the blonde sat together as usual, not really talking just exchanging looks and smiles every now and then but Tsuki was bored of that. He actually wanted to have a conversation with her and learn more about her.

"S-so, what's your favourite colour?" Clearly, conversation starters were not his strong suit and had the social skills of a middle schooler. "I tend to like pastel colours, pink, blue, yellow. What's yours?"

"How typical. I like green."

"What is that supposed to mean? Am I not allowed to like pretty colours?"

"I mean, you are, they just aren't very interesting"

The girl grumbled, shuffling away from the boy as she had taken slight offence to his comment. "What is one of your main obsessions?"


"Yeah, I really like the sea and fish and stuff." The girl spoke softly, smiling as she spoke about her interests. The male thought it was incredibly cute she enjoyed something slightly similar to his own interest. A light blush formed on his cheeks as he turned away from her.

"I uhh, I like dinosaurs quite a lot." He prepared himself for insults, twiddling with his fingers as the girl giggled next to him. "I used to be able to name all the dinosaurs." She said, almost challenging him. "Well I still can, I have a dinosaur encyclopedia and various documentaries and-" The girl looked up at him, pressing her lips in a line to avoid laughing at his proud display of knowledge. How cute.

"Okay, okay, you win Dino boy."

After a while of teasing each other and napping, the bus arrived at the gymnasium and their first match was against Fukurōdani. Every match they seemed to play ended in a loss until it was lunchtime. "Hey Lily, wanna come help us cut the watermelon?" The girl nodded before disappearing with the other girls. Skipping around merrily with her watermelon in hand she overheard Kuro talking to the Karasuno third years and decided to listen in. "Did you know Tsukishima had a brother?" Tanka asked the other third years as they continue their conversation.

"Hey Kuro, can you do me a favour?" Lily spoke gently, looking around for eavesdroppers.

"What can I do for you, Princess? Kuro leaned forward, cupping his ear with a face full of interest. She whispered into his ear receiving a faint nod from the dark-haired male as the team matches swiftly continued. After their last defeat of the day, Karasuno sprawled out of the floor in exhaustion but they still had energy left for practice; each leaving to do their own things.

"Hey Tsuki, you gonna practise with us? we are going to do some serves" Yamaguchi beamed as the other boys call out the position of the ball in the distance. "No, I am quite alright." His friend scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, keeping his eyes on the floor. "Not to be rude but are you gonna do anything to practise?"

"We practise enough as it is, I don't see the point in overworking myself." The tall blonde left the gym towards the dorms before hearing voices in the distance. "Hey, you in the glasses. Wanna do some blocks for us?" Bokuto shouted with a wave. Tsuki happily declined with a smile before Kuro chimed in. "Come on, you are a middle blocker, right? Don't you wanna practise? I know your little girlfriend wants you to do well, can't you at least do it for her?" Gritting his teeth he pushed forward toward the gym towards the two smirking Captains.

After a motivational conversation with Yamaguchi; eavesdropped on by Lily, The tall blonde was left feeling a little odd, irritated by the team's undying passion for the sport. "It is just a stupid game after all." The boy muttered to himself only to be jumped out on by an angry-looking brunette. "Then why are you even here?" Lily spoke, her voice stern, very different to how she'd usually talk to him. "Excuse me?"

"Why are you even here? All those boys love volleyball, it's their life and you just don't seem to care." He pushed past her, clicking his tongue in annoyance. "How pathetic." The girl muttered, shaking her head at he spun around to face her.

"You are one to talk. You dint know anything, nothing about my reasons, you don't even know anything about volleyball and yet you think you can stand here and lecture me? I don't know who you think you are but whatever encouragement you are trying to give me isn't going to work, and you can stop asking your boyfriend for help, I need nothing from you."

He's exploded right in front of her, all his anger and sadness spilling out in his venomous words. Lily could only stand, looking at his stupid face with his stupid glassy eyes longing to just give him a hug and have him breakdown on her shoulder.

"I am glad you are that off your chest. You are nothing but a stick in the mud anyway. Goodluck improving Tsukishima." She retreated into the Nekoma gym as he left toward the dorms; both feeling irritated with each other.

"How stubborn." They both seemed to say in unison, looking back at each others distant forms.

𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 ~ tsukishima keiWhere stories live. Discover now