𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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The next few days after the Aobajohsai match were hectic; Karasuno obtained two old but new players; Nishinoya and Asahi and Keishin Ukai agreed to coach the boys after hearing about their victory against Aobajohsai. Coach Ukai agreed to stay on as coach but only for their upcoming match against Nekoma.

Naturally, learning she was going to see her friends again Lily was ecstatic for the upcoming practise match, so excited it was all she could think about; completely distracted as she watched the boys play against the neighbourhood volleyball association. Occasionally cheering them on with Kiyoko, waving around little pink pompom she had found in the supply room.

Watching closely, Tsuki seemed more confident this game after their run-in with Oikawa which boosted the overall morale of the team. "Looks like he can put effort into something." Lily giggled to herself, watching the boys with a smile. "Yeah, Tsukishima seems to be coming out of his shell quite a bit, when he's not watching you that is," Kiyoko spoke in her matter of fact tone, keeping her eyes on a clipboard scribbling down notes.

Flinching at her comment nibbling the inside of her cheek, she gazed forward to settle herself back down. "What a stalker."

On the way home with Yamaguchi and Tsuki the convient store came into view, Lily nodded to herself, knowing she brought her purse for this exact reason she grabbed the hand of the tall beanpole, dragging him off into the store. Feeling rather flustered by that action, Tsuki quickly pulled his hand away once reaching the first aisle, turning his red face away from her as she went to her favourite snack. "Pick something, I owe you remember."

She happily grabbed her cookies as he shoved his usual strawberry shortcake into her hand, she paid and handed it back to him. "If you keep eating those cookies you'll get fat." He muttered with a slight smirk. "My thighs aren't getting any smaller anyway, you, on the other hand, should probably gain something twiggy." Her tone was firm but a faint smile appeared, rushing forward towards her cousin; leaving the chuckling boy behind.

After a few days of intense preparation, the boys were ready to take on Nekoma; due to the long-distance bus journey, Coach Ukai firmly said all the boys must be ready to get on the bus by 8; "If you're late, you're not goin' ok squirts?" were his words exactly so Tsuki offered to stay over to make sure Tadashi actually wakes up.

It was 6 AM, the morning of the Nekoma game and Tsuki was already awake, looking up at his still sleeping friend as the house was as silent as ever. Grabbing his phone from the charger beside him, he smirked to himself as he pressed send waiting patiently for a reply.

You awake? Only moments later received a reply. The girl typed out her simple word before smashing her face back into the pillow, happy to still be in the warmth of her duvet cocoon.


You know I was told to wake you both up, do I need to come drag you out?

She giggled at his response. He was very different over the phone to his awkward usual self but it was quite sweet how awkward he was and it was easy to pick on him.

Quite bold talk from a boy who can't even hold a girls hand, by all means, be my guest.

 His face flushed as he sat up, bubbling annoyance raised in his body. She was belittling him for her own amusement. Slowly standing, he tiptoed out of the room and down the hallway quickly opening the door to her room. Her little figure was tucked neatly under her blanket curled up in a little ball. He grabbed the bottom corner of the duvet, tugging it down to expose her to the cold morning air.

What he didn't take into consideration was her attire. His face was bright red as he looked down at her; the small black shorts and a big hoodie exposed a little too much of her than he needed to see this early in the morning. He swallowed hard, turning his head away. "Get up you idiot." She stretched her arms above her head, sitting up slowly as she turned her sleepy eyes toward him. "Good morning to you too. Your face is pretty red." Hopping off her bed she began gathering her uniform for the day, slipping little items into her bag as he stood there almost stuck in a trance.

"i- you- Shut up, my face is usually red when I wake up."

"I'm sure it is."

After a rather difficult morning, the trio arrived at the bus with ten minutes to spare. All of the Karasuno boys looked like limping zombies struggling to keep their eyes open; Daichi let us board early to try and nap before the rest of the team arrived. Lily got all of her energy to rush onto the bus, grabbing a window seat with a smile. Headphones were in and her eyes were heavy as her head fell to the side. Slipping in next to her Tsuki tried to keep quiet in case she was already asleep but of course, she wasn't. Placing her head on its usual spot; that being the beanpole's shoulder, gently burying her head into him with a soft sigh of comfort.

He didn't mind the feeling of her near him, if anything it was welcomed but she did not need to know that. "Why do you insist on leaning on me all the time?" Her sleepy eyes met his as a pout formed on her lips. "Shut up, you want me to lay on you."

"I do not."

"Okay, I'll move. Sorry for the inconvenience." She lifted her head slowly, only to be gently pushed back down and now Tsuki was the one pouting. She laughed at him before her heavy eyes closed, sending her off to sleep. After around ten minutes of his head pounding, he was also about to fall asleep, his head falling against hers.

"Hinata, take a picture would ya'?"

"Haha, no way, and they've been like that the whole way here?"

"Yep, I'm sure there's something going o-"

Lily began to groan to the overly loud noises around her, stretching her arms out in front of her as the Karasuno boys look down at her awkward and flustered with cellphones pointed at the two of them. Turning her head, the males heavy head was still atop of hers; gently grabbing his cheek tugging at it he soon opened his eyes; the other boys rushing off to not have to deal with the wrath of the moody blonde.

"We are here sleepyhead." Lily stood up quickly, shimmying past him squeezing past his long legs being sure to hold her skirt down just in case as he followed behind. "Sorry, he took a while to wake up."

𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 ~ tsukishima keiWhere stories live. Discover now