𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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The day of exams came and Lily was feeling rather confident. Japanese and English would be fine, her biggest battle would be her maths but she hoped and prayed those late nights spent studying would pay off. All exams were done within the first half of the day and lunch was heaven to all the stressed students. "How do you think you did Hinata?" Hitoka asked softly as the tangerine beamed towards her. "I think I did great thanks to you and Tsuki!" Lily laughed, pulling her new bag of cookies from her bag. Yamaguchi leaned over, peering into the bag. "Hey, you didn't get those from the store this morning did you?" Lily shook her head, briefly glancing at the blonde. "The fairies must have left them for me."

Tsuki blushed, looking down at the floor as she passed around the cookies, sharing them with the team. "Fairies huh?" He muttered as the bell rang drowning out his voice. Time for exam results back. The Karasuno boys proudly walked towards the gym, all pleased that they had passed their exams; expect two first years.

"You got them all right, you just wrote them in the wrong boxes!!!" Hitoka shouted as the two boys blubbered in disappointment. "Did you pass Shorty?" Tsuki looked down at her with a smirk, folding his arms as she turned to answer. "Of course, did you?"

His face turned smug, waving his hand in an obnoxious manner. "Of course I did, all A's." She grumbled hoping he'd failed at least one class. "I trust Yumeko was a big help as you fawned all over her," Lily grumbled, slightly inaudibly as Tsuki bent down to her level, mocking her yet again. "What was that? Sounds like jealousy to me." She forced a laugh shaking her head at him, her hair hiding her pink cheeks. "Pfft, why would I be jealous? There is nothing to get jealous over."

He shrugged, slowly walking away to receive a permission slip for the overnight training camp in Tokyo. "Whatever you say 'fairy'."

"Alright, has everyone got a slip? I want these signed and brought along tomorrow. We are leaving at 8 am sharp so I want everyone here and accounted for. Lily, please make sure Yamaguchi wakes up. Tanaka has sorted everything out for you both so Hinata, Kageyama you better ace that exam and not put it to waste."

"Ok Coach!" They shouted as practice began. Yachi sat beside Lily trying her best to spark up a conversation. "S-so Lily, do you like volleyball?" Lily nodded, keeping her neutral face as she stared out at the court. "Do you feel more settle Hitoka?" The small blonde nodded hastily, afraid to be any more of a nuisance to the team. Since it was an overnight trip, it was only natural for the girls to be in the same room so Kiyoko, Lily and Hitoka took it upon themselves to break the ice, although Lily would prefer to be with her cousin and the boys that would be forbidden for obvious reasons.

Sighing softly, the team all walked home together talking about their excitement for tomorrow and how exciting it would be to play against new teams. As the group split off, Lily and Yamaguchi ordered takeaway as a celebration for passing their exams, spending a few hours playing games and just general chitchat before separating into their rooms. Slipping her headphones in, she began dancing around as she tidied her room; her shadow bouncing off the pale walls in the setting sun. Humming along gently her phone began to vibrate, looking down at it, she answered quickly.


"Stop dancing around and go to bed, I don't want you falling asleep on me tomorrow." The boy chuckled on the other end of the phone, watching her now still figure look around in confusion until her eyes fell on him. Her body became tense and her face flushed with embarrassment. "You know you could have just said that in a text.."

He heard her pouting through the phone, her voice cracking as she continued to glare at him from her window. "Yeah, but where is the fun in that?" He smirked watching her mouth fall open as she thought of a witty response. "So I'm just something to amuse you?" She pouted again, walking away from her window, pacing around her room.

"W-well no but I do find you amusing."

She giggled at his change in tone, his voice cracking in defence. "Shut up, don't laugh."

"Sorry, I just find you amusing." Pressing the hangup button making sure she had the last word before turning back to her window, waving goodbye to the beanpole before closing her curtains; her heart feeling light after their little interaction. The trip to Tokyo and their weekend-long stay was what she turned her attention to, packing her backpack with clothes, her chargers, underwear; using the front compartment for her toothbrush and little bits of makeup she was ready for tomorrow.

hey ken, you packed your switch for tomorrow?

𝙠𝙚𝙣(・'з' ・) : of course why?

u need to visit my animal crossing island! ( ◕ω◕✿ )

𝙠𝙚𝙣(・'з' ・) : ok ok (・'з' ・)kuroo-san got a switch so he'll join too!

𝙠𝙚𝙣(・'з' ・) : oh and kuroo said to keep ur boyfriend under control next time, guy looks like he's got a stick up his ass

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