𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"Come on Yama! We are gonna be late" Lily whined, trying to hurry along her disorganised cousin as he scrambles to shove things into his bag. She told him to sort his bag out last night as he was on Xbox with Tsuki and warned him this would happen. She followed behind, picking up his phone charger and DS in case he got bored, shoving them into his bag as she checked the time.


Grabbing her cousin by the collar of his shirt, she dragged him from the room, knowing they'd be late if they didn't leave right now. Hearing his squeaks of protest she released him, both their footsteps rushing towards the front door; the smug blonde only just appearing in front of the house. The trio rushed to the bus, Lily and Yamaguchi both bending down, panting gently as the rest of the boys filter in to get registered. "Don't go passing out on me now short stack." Tsuki tugged on her backpack, slightly concerned over her lack of energy and low stamina.

They boarded the bus, each sitting in their respected seats. Despite his efforts to avoid her, he pulled her into the seat next to her after he noticed Tanaka offer her a seat by him and the loud libero. Landing next to him with a pout, she glared at the boy his honey coloured eyes staring right back. "You suck, you know that?" She muttered, placing her bag on her lap as the bus engine hummed smoothly. As she rummaged through her bag for her beloved Nintendo Switch Tsuki's eyes fell on what suspiciously looked a lot like underwear; his body stiffened cursing himself for even looking at her bag as he tried to hide his red face with a cough.

Turning her body to the side resting her head on him she tapped away, playing her animal crossing peacefully as Tsuki watched. Her hair fell down onto his chest curling up slightly due to her wavy hair. He moved his hand toward her hair, playing with it gently as he watched her incase she objected. Much to his surprise, she enjoyed the new attention smiling happily as his fingers gently brushed at the lengths of her hair.

"You don't have to be so shy about it you know, I don't mind." Her voice was soft, smiling sweetly as his eyes widened. She really was strange.

Finally arriving in Tokyo Lily began buzzing, excited to finally get off the bus and greet her friends. The team departed from the bus all chatting away as they walked to the gym. Lily took off running with Noya who had offered to race her to the gym to release some excitement.

"Hey, when do you think Hinata and Kageyama will be here?" Yamaguchi asked Tanka who just chuckled. "Soon, my sister is driving so it shouldn't be too long." Arriving at the gym, matches were already underway as Karasuno started warming up. Lily was a little disappointed her friends were already playing but she was pleased to see them in action. Tsuki placed his bag next to her, looking at her twinkly eyes as she watched the Nekoma captain spike a ball. He sighed, looking at her overall appearance; her hair was sticking up and all over the place from running in the wind.

"Hey idiot, stand up."

"What for?" She complied, still keeping a close watch on the Nekoma game as Tsuki stood in front of her, blocking her vision as he began brushing through her hair. Her eyes softened as she looked up at him. He really was strange. As their eyes met he got flustered again, pushing her back slightly as he sat back down. "Your hair was even worse than usual from running in the wind. It's like you're a child for God's Sake." Lily only smiled at the boy before turning her attention back to the game.

"Right boys, you are up." The Coach called, taking a seat at the bench as the team took to the court. "Good luck moody," Lily whispered to him as he walked away a little smile forming on his face, putting all his focus into the game after having that little spirit boost. It was nothing but lose for Karasuno until the star boys emerged, panting from their exhausting journey over.

They quickly began winning, taking their last game by storm until a player from Shinzen High manages to figure out their team strategy and block Hinata's spikes. The practise came to a close for the day as the sun started to set; each being team being split and assigned rooms of two. Due to the group of two rule, Lily got placed on her own. Hitoka felt more comfortable with Kiyoko and Lily wanted to go see Kenma and Kuroo anyway. Changing before they arrived, Lily decided to wear black sports shorts, a long pink t-shirt and matching thigh-high socks; she enjoyed the aesthetic and the pretty contrasting colours.

Kenma and Kuroo were on their way towards Lily's dorm room, the smaller of the two males decided to invite his little tangerine friend as a gentle knock vibrated from the room. Skipping towards the door, swinging it open to be greeted with her bestest friends.

"Come in come in."

Down the hall, the Karasuno boys all lingered together playing simple card games at chatting about how the other teams played. Hinata jumped up with excitement, grabbing his Karasuno hoodie, slipping his shoes on to go join his new Nekoma friends. "Hey, I'm gonna go down the hall to Lily's dorm, I'll be back soon." Tsuki's head snapped up, looking towards the tangerine with narrow eyes. Kageyama looked just as confused by his statement. "You are going to Lily's room? Alone?" Hinata laughed at his friends silliness, waving his hand in dismissal. "Noo, of course not. Kuroo and Kenma are there!" All the Karasuno looked at each other, all agreeing by just a look as they all stand, also beginning to put their shoes on.

"What- whats going on?"

"Shut up Hinata and lead the way."

Sitting on her little dorm bed, Kuroo and Kenma beside her, one at each side. Leaning her head against Kuroo's shoulder and her legs dangling over Kenma's. It wasn't weird, there were no objections, this is just how they have always been; always close and always together. Another knock came from the door and her eyes flickered up for a second with a groan. Kuroo reluctantly decided to get it, leaving the two to happily continue their game.

"Hey, orange hea- Oh, haha, Lil your boyfriend is at the door- Oh, and the whole Karasuno team it seems." Frowning a little, she too looked toward the door before shaking her head. "Let them in then." The boys flooded in, all glancing at the scene before them. Some went red in the face, others laughed and the rest just sat down and began talking. Tsuki wasn't sure whether he was angry or happy or upset, it was just a muddle of emotions and seeing her so close to them didn't sit right with him. Flickering her eyes up she met his with a smile, before leaning back down on her pillow. As the group began talking, Nekoma and Karasuno both laughing together Tanka spoke up. "How about we play truth or dare?"

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