Are you telling me that he has murdered over half a dozen people?

ابدأ من البداية

"I do try, throwing something at me was a low blow though," I say rolling my eyes

"that's just because she can't think of anything good to say back" Kelley retorts

"the spreading the legs one was definitely my favourite" I say and laugh to myself

"Alright, no need to make that head any bigger than it already is, you've got Portuguese class to be getting to," Kelley says pulling me off the ledge and back into the school.

I need to make this girl my girlfriend soon.

- - - -

"I'll catch you later Tobs, good practice," I say as I walk out of practice with her and Servando

"Catch you later guys," She says and heads off to her car

"After that practice I'm feeling ready for our first game back," Serv says as he walks with me through the parking lot

"Me too, I can't wait to get out on that field and play against another school finally, I'm sick of beating all your asses in training," I say cockily and smirk at the boy who just rolls his eyes at my usual behaviour.

"Have you got a ride home, I didn't see your bike in the car park today?" Serv says to me

"Yeah, Morgan is picking me up," I say and point to the car a couple of meters infront of us

"Dan can you hurry up and get in my car plea- oh h-hey Servando" Alex stutters out as she steps out of her car and realises I'm walking with her crush

"Hey Alex, how are you doing today," Serv says trying to act all cool but I can tell he's panicking inside

"I'm good thank you, just here to pick up Dan from practice," She says fiddling with the hem of her top.

"I'll see you tomorrow Serv, I've gotta get back home," I say turning to the boy and doing our handshake

"Yeah no problem, I'll see you later Dan, and you too Alex" He replies, heading in the direction of his car.

"you didn't tell me you were walking out with Servando!" Alex exclaims hitting my arm as we get into her car

"First of all, ow. And secondly, we just happened to leave training at the same time okay, chill out" I say in my own defence.

"Why does it matter anyway?" I say knowing the answer already from what Kelley told me on our first date but I want to hear it from Alex first

"Ugh, because I've liked the guys since like freshman year," She says rolling her eyes and trying to play it off like its nothing

"I know that already, Kelley told me I just wanted to hear you say it" I tell her laughing as she just looks at me with her mouth open.

"That's just mean, you can bet your ass this is the last time I'm picking you up from practice Parker," Alex says as she starts to drive off

"Come on! You've got to admit it was a little funny" I say still chuckling at the look on her face

"Do I look like a person who finds this funny?" She says turning to give me a stone-cold look

I let Alex stay angry for the rest of the ride back to her place while I just chuckle to myself, excited to tell Kelley about it tomorrow. Alex parks her car in the driveway and I follow her into her house.

"Hey sweetie, how was practice," Pam says taking my bags off me and pulling me into a hug

"It was good thanks Pam, feeling ready for the game this weekend," I say

The Player and The Freckled Girlحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن