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"Gentlemen, this will be the plan for now." Within a simple tent, a girl dressed in cyan raised her slender chin slightly and pointed towards the topographic map on the desk with her slender fingers. She addressed the soldiers around her in a deep tone, "This operation will start at 1:45 a.m., Xia Zhi will bring the first team to the Chi Chao Bridge between the Chao Lake and the Chi Shui to set up an ambush. Xirui and Bian Cang will each lead 5 men under the bridge, destroying the straw boats that are crossing the river, severing the river crossing hook lock. After which, Zhi Xia will initiate the attack, destroying the defensive positions of the The Dauntless Cavalry Camp on the bridge. Do not worry about the battle growing, but it must end when a stick of incense burns out. Do you understand?"

"Yes!" Zhi Xia, Xirui, and Bian Cang nodded in unison and accepted the order.

The lady then drew her finger along the western line on the map. She turned and said, "AhDu will bring the second team to set an ambush along the trail within Suo He Village, coordinating with Zhi Xia's operation. This will prevent The Dauntless Cavalry Camp from sending reinforcements to their defensive positions on the bridge when Zhi Xia is attacking them. Your mission is to cut off the route between The Dauntless Cavalry Camp and the Northern Prisons when you are in the northern region. Try your best to delay the army for two hours."

With a dark expression, AhDu nodded furiously as he said, "My Lady, don't worry."

The lady nodded and circled the top of the map with her finger. After which she pointed in the general direction forcefully and said, "Your mission is to try and infiltrate the underground camp of the Northern Prison, rescuing Mr. Mu and Scholar Zhu, who are locked up in the northwestern corner of the water prison. Also, you must rescue 28 of our comrades from the Tian Yuan Tower on the south side of the prison. Some of them may be unable to walk, but you must rescue all of them and send them to Gu Ding village, which is fifteen miles southwest from here. After which, your reinforcements will then pick all of them up with carriages. That's why we have to take the risk of starting the operation early."

The tent was completely silent as everyone listened intently to the lady's instructions.

The lady had a calm expression as she continued, "About 300 meters in front of the Northern Prison, everything is covered in thick vegetation. However, within 100 meters of the prison, all vegetation is cut down. There is no cover at all. At the four corners of the prison, there are eight watchtowers with guards watching over its perimeter at all times. All of you will have to crawl."

The lady turned back and took out another map. She said, "Take a look, this is the concise map of the Northern Prison. This is the military warehouse, the food storage, the armory, the resting quarters for the troops, and this, is our destination: The Tian Yuan Tower and the northwestern water prison. I need you all to know this map inside and out within two hours; there is no time for mistakes. Two of you need to coordinate with each other to carry out your mission. When the mission commences at 1:45 a.m., Cheng Yang will then lead the third and fourth teams to launch the assault, while AhDu and AhCheng lead the archers to go around the camp along the trench line. The archers will then take out the guards on the watchtowers with their arrows. They must be killed with a single shot; not a single guard can live. After that is done, Cheng Yang will then lead the main assault team to open the gates. The team will then split into two groups, one attacking towards the west, as if they were attacking the armory as well as the provision base. That will lure the guards over to their position, creating chaos. The other group will shoot the barracks with flaming arrows. However, their intention is not to kill, but to create a diversion, slowing down the escaping troops. All of you must remember, if all the soldiers are out of the barracks, the mission will have already failed. All of you must be accurate with your shooting and act accordingly. Xiao Jiong will help you all from the outside, getting our horses to run through the dense jungle as if an enemy was attacking the camp."

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