Chapter 5

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The wolf howled and darted to a corner, obviously heavily injured.

“Come here! All of you, come here!” she shouted while she bent down and picked up two stones, hitting them together. With a spark, the hay caught fire with a roar. The child lit her rod on fire and raised the torch. She ran all over the arena, chasing away the pack of wolves that was attacking the children. While doing that, she continued shouting, “All of you, come here! All of you, come here!”

Children of all ages ran towards Jing Yue Er as they wailed, all of them injured. Some were bitten by wolves, some were shot by arrows. After the onslaught, there were barely twenty children left alive.

The pack of wolves were afraid of fire. Looking at Jing Yue Er protecting them from the middle, they tarried and dared not to inch forward. They had been hungry for too long. Seeing that their prey was now protected, they ran back to the bodies that lay in the arena, devouring all that they could.

Zhuge Huai’s long and narrow eyes squinted at this sight and murmured, “Useless animals.” He pulled his bow and started shooting at the wolves.

Sharp arrows flew towards the pack, attacking them unknowingly. The wolves howled in pain, collapsing onto the floor and in no time, they were all dead.

The children that survived were overjoyed. Ignoring the wounds on their body, they cheered loudly.

However, even before their cheers could be heard, another wave of arrows rained down on them, piercing through their small bodies.

The empire’s aristocratic descendants shot ruthlessly with their sharp eyesight. Unsympathetically, they aimed right at the children in front of them with bloodthirsty arrows coming in for the kill.

An arrow swooshed through the air coming at a frightening speed, shooting through a child’s head with a thud, entering through her left eye and coming out from the back of her head, stopping right in front of Jing Yue Er’s nose. Warm blood splattered all over her face and she opened her mouth. With the burning rod being held tightly in her grip, she froze. The cries of children reverberated to the sides of her ears. It was all like a nightmare.

The arrows started to lessen as Prince Wei and Mu Yun laughed in unison. Both pulled back their bows, took aim right at the girl, and released an arrow, letting them speed through the air.

Zhao Jue frowned and steered his horse forward. Reaching for his quiver, he realized that he only had one arrow left. With a cold groan, he snapped the arrow in half and put them on his bow. With a skilled shot, he shot both arrows, shooting the arrows shot by Prince Wei and Mu Yun out of the sky.

Zhuge Huai laughed and commented, “Good shooting skills!”

Finishing his sentence, all cries stopped and the northern wind swept through the snowy arena, blowing the stench of blood along with it. The arena was covered in red and the only child surviving was Jing Yue Er. Her hair strewn all over her head, with hay stuck within it, her clothes dyed red and a pale expression. She held the wooden rod and did not move an inch. She looked over with a stunned gaze as if she was in shock.

Zhao Jue said, “The seventh brother is still the best. I have no more arrows left. I think you will be the winner today.”

Prince Wei raised his brows, looked at his quiver, then Mu Yun’s, and finally turned towards Zhuge Huai.

Zhuge Huai smiled smartly and said, “I was out of arrows long ago.”

“Yan Shizi still has some arrows, doesn’t he? The time is not up. Whose hand the deer will die under is still unknown,” Mu Yun said all of a sudden.

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