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I stand on a beach where the waves roar and crash on the shore

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I stand on a beach where the waves roar and crash on the shore. The sun shines bright, and I hear the cries of the seagulls as they fly above me. I walk around barefoot on the sand, walking along the shore feeling trapped yet relaxed in where I am. Nothing can hurt me here.

As I continue to walk, I feel a presence behind me. I turn around and see a man dressed in all white clothes, as the wind blows his shirt open. He stands in the waves as they soak up his white clothes revealing his tan body. He spreads his arms open as he seems to be soaking up all the energy.

He suddenly stops, and then turns his head towards me and stares at me, but not directly at me. He stares at where I stand and I get confused.

"Hey!" I shout as I walk towards him and as I do I begin to realize it's a familiar face

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"Hey!" I shout as I walk towards him and as I do I begin to realize it's a familiar face. "Cy!" I shout in relief as I see him stare at me and looks at me confused. I run towards the water and suddenly a wave swallows me before I can grab on to Cy and hug him.

 I run towards the water and suddenly a wave swallows me before I can grab on to Cy and hug him

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I find myself deep in the ocean with the surface BEYOND me. I hold my breath and relax myself as I begin to hear a hum and voices singing. I hear dolphins whistle, and all of the ocean sing to me. I continue to stay deep in the ocean as I'm unable to move and then see something swim past me quickly.

I stop holding my breath and close my eyes, to only open them back up and find myself standing in the sand where I started. I look out into the ocean and see a creature's head pop out of the water. It stares at me from far away, and I can tell that it's beautiful.


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"Stiles." I hear a soft voice whisper, like Cy's and suddenly I drop to the sand.


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I hear an obnoxious amount of beeping noises around me as I begin to wake up from what had happened on the boat. I open my eyes as it's blurry at first, and see a bright window with the sun beaming on to my face. I groan lightly and cover my face from the light as I'm so sensitive to it.

"He's awake!" I hear someone shout and then open my eyes completely to find myself laying in a hospital bed. Three nurses rush into my room and begin to check on me as I find myself being attached to a bunch of machines. Something serious must've happened.

"What happened to me?"

"Welcome back Mr.Stilinski." The female nurse greets me as if I've been gone. I hear the news playing and see the date, November 2013. "You've been in a coma for more than 6 months. I hope you got plenty of beauty sleep." She tells me and I grow nervous as I would've graduated already and everything. It can't be.

"No... I was on a boat! and then..." I try to remember what exactly happened but I can't. I can remember the night exactly how it went, but I don't remember how I had fallen into my coma.

"And you fell overboard... That was 6 months ago. You drowned and you suffered brain trauma which led you to being in a coma." The nurse explains it to me. "I know you're feeling confused and anxious right now. It'll take time to process and accept what had happened to you, don't worry." The nurse tells me and then they unhook most of the machines from me and get me ready to discharge me.

They bring me food and a cup of water and I relax beginning to eat my food. I watch the news as I begin to catch up with everything that I've missed on the media. As I finish the last bites of my food I begin to hear a distant singing, the same song that Cy sang to me but far away from here.

I stare at the nurse who walks in cleaning my table off. Her phone buzzes in her pocket and I personally ignore it not minding it. "That was awkward. I hope he doesn't complain." I hear her voice as I stare at the window.

"No it's okay, I don't mind." I respond back to her and look at her with a soft smile. She looks back at me confused and I ignore it.

"I didn't say anything." She tells me and I chuckle nervously.

"Oh. I was just talking to myself... Thinking out loud!" I embarrass myself and she nods lightly. She leaves the room and I take a sip of my water feeling refreshed and hydrated. I lay the cup back on the table and stare at the cup of water and as I do I hear a pitch like a frequency. I focus on the frequency and see the droplet squirm a little.

The coma is driving me insane. First I hear things, and now I see things.

SIRENS • STILES STILINSKI / BOYXBOYWhere stories live. Discover now