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Peter Hale

I sit in the bar during a business convention about guns and sit with an older handsome man talking to me about his business as I make up anything to make the conversation run. I stare at him wanting to find the evil in him, the vulnerability and darkness that the Siren feeds on. I spot Theo behind the man speaking to another person and then stares at me shaking his head not finding any victim for the Siren.

The Siren has been in my head for almost 3 months now, reminding me to feed him. 87 bodies, gone, and torn apart just to regain it's strength. To regain it's beauty, youth, and immortality.

"So? Do you have a plus one in this sell out?" I say meanly grabbing my glass of whiskey and take a drink of it. The man looks behind him and smirks checking out all the beautiful women here.

"Why bring sand to the beach?" He says seriously and I smirk at him when he looks back at me knowing he's perfect for the Siren. "I'm kidding right?" He chuckles being embarrassed and I raise my eyebrow knowing this is where I wrap it up sensing the Siren in my head being hungry.

"I tell you what? I'm gonna bring you to my buyer. I think he's going to find you IRRESISTIBLE." I say with a smile and he nods.


I dive through the chlorine pool water not transforming into my form due to the water not being salty enough. I swim up to the surface hearing my jazzy 1950's music playing and then feel the presence of Peter and a new warm evil body walk next to him. I can smell his stench.

I turn around softly and seductively as my flesh is reborn. I show my perfect structured body and face off, smiling at the guy bringing him in. He's captured by me but not 100%. "Pretty song isn't it?" I say in what Peter and Theo call my soft and lazy British accent. "You know there has been so much songs made in the last 200 years! My favorites are the love songs." I say with a small smile and hear my song being played. "When somebody loves you." I sing along and as I sing, I begin to sing my siren song, luring him in.

The man begins to walk in the water with his full suit getting close to me and I let Peter watch as I don't have control over his mind. Peter is controlled by me to feed me, and in return I give him my freedom to do his bidding.

"You enjoy this don't you?" I ask Peter wanting him to join in the fun as he's not interested. To my right I see Theo sitting in a pool chair on his phone starring down at it, not being interested in the kill. He's disgusted by it.

I've read both of these men's minds knowing their background and where they come from and Theo is a disappointment to me. For a psycho with so much built up anger and blood lust, he is almost more human than he was before he was taken to hell. I'll fix that after lunch.

I grab on to the man's head and command his mind to stay calm and let him float in the water as I continue to sing to him. "Slowest.. murder.. ever.." Peter says mocking me and I push the man under the water holding him down so that he can calmly drown himself.

"I'm telling his mind to stay calm." I say in my husky voice. "I read on the internet that chickens that are slaughtered in the factory don't taste as good because they release all this adrenaline."

"You're worried about adrenaline now?" Theo says questioning my actions making me feel stupid.

"Us Sirens are tasked with harvesting evil souls but that is no reason that this guy has to taste like a chicken that died in a urine soaked panicked." I say educating the both of them as they stare at me confused.

"Well... Just so you know, every other meal we brought you was in full freak out mode." Peter says and I remember how good and delicious they tasted.

"Huh!" I say shocked as the internet lied to me. "Well in that case! Fear is delicious! Never mind internet..." I say and look down at my newest victim. "Boo!" I poke at his forehead waking his mind up and he freaks out drowning himself faster as he squirms from my grasp splashing the water. I look over at the handsome heroic Peter and smile at him as he looks back at me with a smirk. I look over at Theo and he looks away not wanting to do anything with it.

I ignore Theo and quickly take a big bite out of the man's neck as I rip him apart. His blood begins to soak the pool waters as I have all the staff in the Hilton Hotel under my mind control to do anything and everything for me.

I feast on the man and then leave the rest for leftovers. "That was good... appetizing." I say as I walk out of the pool with my mouth covered in blood. I command one of the staff as he runs towards me with a white towel and hands it to me like the loyal servant I made him to be. I quickly wipe the blood from my mouth before it dries and stains my skin and then throw the towel back to the man.

"I don't get why you just don't siren your own people instead of us do all the work for you?" Theo responds and I look at him sensing the unloyalty growing stronger. I command my servant to run off leaving me with privacy with the two boys.

"Are you questioning me?" I say with a smile intimidating Theo as he looks at me hesitantly. "And here I thought you were some prophecy. The man that almost killed that annoying alpha. Who almost brought this entire town to it's knees... Whatever happened to that man, hm?" I say as I walk towards him and Peter doesn't budge knowing what I am capable of doing. "Because all I see... is a sad lost puppy who got scared off." I stand in front of him and calm his mind with my telepathy.

I quickly grasp both of my hands on to his head ruining his nice hair as I enter his mind. I feel the pain and loneliness he suffered in hell. I sense his fear and unloyalty towards Peter and make sure I erase those feelings from his mind to make him into the soldier Peter wants. I then see all the evil things he's done, all the chaos he brought on to the pack. All the manipulation and trickery he did on them. That's the wolf I want. I access the deepest parts of his mind turning on all his darkness and passion to destroy Scott McCall. I let go of his head and leave his mind and look at him as he looks different now.

He's more confident of himself, not so human anymore.

"What did you do to him?" Peter asks softly as I've completely sirened Theo. He's under my control, now and forever. I don't sense a resistance, but a desire to be possessed by me.

"I entered into the deepest part of his mind and gave him a little reminder of who he is." I say and then stand next to Theo and wrap my arm around his arm. Theo looks at me with a evil smirk and holds me tight as I caress his biceps. "Now we have the loyal psychotic wolf we ever wanted." I say and then brush my fingers in his hair fixing it as he clenches his jaw being the sexy and masculine man he is.

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