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Stiles Stilinski

Lydia parks her car by the curb near the gym and we both jump out with my baseball bat, immediately running to the gym. The deadline of Cy's has past a minute and there's no telling who won yet. There's no sign of Liam anywhere which makes me nervous, I need that tuning fork!

The two of us barge into the gym seeing Derek and Scott throw each other against the wall. "Stop!" I shout trying to stop but they ignore me still fighting each other. They're both transformed into their full werewolf forms and I can't let Scott kill, neither Derek kill Scott. If Scott kills, he'll lose his true alpha identity.

"They're not listening to us." I say to Lydia and Lydia shakes her head not knowing what to do. I quickly run towards the two going in-between them and as I do, Derek grabs me and throws me to the ground.

"Stay out of this Stiles!" Derek growls and I grab hold of my baseball bat getting ready to swing it at one of them. They continue fighting and I get up and sneak up behind Derek and swing the bat on his back to distract him. As I swing my bat on him, Derek quickly turns faster than the speed of light and grabs on to the bat like a reflex.

"Oh Shit." I say under my breath as Derek growls at me. "Derek stop! He's controlling you!" I shout trying to get a hold of Derek's fragile mind and I watch Scott sneaking up behind Derek.

"And what if I like it?" Derek admits to the pleasure and puts a tighter grip on to the bat breaking it in his hands. I fall back and Scott goes in for the attack. Derek then grabs a sharp piece of the wood and stabs Scott directly in the shoulder. Derek twists the piece of wood in Scott going to kill him and Scott roars in pain.

"We can't stop it." I say looking at Lydia as there is no hope. Lydia seems to be overwhelmed and I can tell something is wrong. She's getting her banshee voices and I can tell by the look on her face. I then look over at both of the werewolves knowing that one of them is going to die if she screams... or not. "Lydia, scream." I say wanting her to scream and I cover my ears moving away from the direction of her sound.

"AAAAIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." Lydia screeches loud enough causing the building to tremble and flicker the lights. Her scream blasts physical sound waves towards the two boys and they're hit by it flying towards the ground. Lydia stops screaming and the boys touch their heads confused as to what's happening.

"What the hell is happening?" Derek says confused and looks around the building not knowing where he is. He then looks over at me and dashes towards me. Derek pulls on to my shirt bringing me close to him, and I spot every pore and hair on his face. "Stiles, explain!" He growls seriously but I know he isn't in control, he seems scared.

"Let me do that for you love." I hear Cy's voice as he enters into the room fully healed and clean from the cuts and blood. Cy then looks at the both of them and Derek growls at Cy as his commands don't seem to work. Derek drops me and begins to walk towards Cy. "Stop right there Derek." Cy tries to command Derek but he doesn't stop and continues walking towards him. He then looks towards Lydia confused and then back at Derek.

Cy takes out a double sided blade that has Ancient Greek letterings on it with a royal greek grip from his back. As Derek comes closer, Cy moves fast and quick cutting Derek in specific places of his body. Derek freezes and becomes unable to move and Cy chuckles.

Kanima poison!

Cy then swipes his finger on the blood covered side of his blade and takes a lick of Derek's blood, yet the poison that was on the blade seems to have no effect on him! Cy then looks at us with threat and as I try to move, I can't. He's controlling us. Cy then runs off and as he gets a bit far, we both chase after him through the empty school campus as everyone is in class.

As we run, I spot Liam and notice he has the fork! "Give me that!" Cy growls but it's not close enough for Liam to hear. Liam then sees us running towards him and looks at the fork. He then slaps the fork on the ground and it creates an annoying noise which causes Cy to cover his ears and groan in pain.

I sneak up behind Cy going in for my attack and he gets up not covering his ears but in anger. "Hey pumpkin." I say as he turns around to me and he smiles at me. "It's time to go to sleep." I command him like he would to us and throw a hard punch to his face knocking him out. Cy falls to the floor and even when passed out unconsciously, he's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

I squat down on the floor sweeping his hair off his face and everyone catches up with me. "Good timing Liam." I say to him as I get back up from the ground.

"Thanks, now what?" Liam responds and looks down at Cy as well. Scott and Lydia catch up walking up together.

"Let's throw him in Eichen before he wakes up." Lydia says with a smart idea as I didn't think about where to put him. My answer was going to be a cell in the Sheriff department, but that would be a feeding zone for Cy. It's exactly what he would want me to do.

"Let's hope they have a very thick cell far away from the other inmates where he can't hurt anyone." Scott says picking Cy's body up and placing Cy on his shoulder. "I'll meet you all there soon." Scott says and Liam and Lydia follow Scott to make sure he stays safe.

They walk away and I spot Derek standing by a tree looking down at a photo from a far. I walk up to him wanting to know if he's okay. "You alright?" I ask him and take a peek of his picture seeing that it's a photo of his sister, Cora. The only other Hale member besides Peter and him that survived the fire.

"I don't know." Derek says and I look at him confused and worried. Derek puts the photo of his sister deep into his pocket. "I have to go." He begins to walk away from me and I grab on to his arm bringing him back.

"Derek, I can't help you unless you tell me what's wrong!" I beg him to tell me what's wrong and Derek stops turning back at me. He yanks his arm from me and clenches his jaw.

"What's wrong is that I've had some sociopathic siren play with my mind and I have no idea who I am, or what the hell I'm supposed to be doing! All I know is that I'm looking for something, and I can't figure out what the hell it is!" Derek blows up letting his bottled anger out on me and I can understand him. I know exactly what it's like to be controlled by something you don't know. He then walks away from me and begins walking towards his black camero.

"Ok, and where are you going to go?" I yell out.

"Applesauce Penguin." He says randomly and I know he isn't okay. Something tells me that he's still in control, or going through a trauma from being controlled by a siren for so long. I take out my phone making a call to Cora Hale to warn her about Derek if he shows up to her and to tell me if he does.

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