Got7 as your boyfriend

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-arms around your waist when walking

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-arms around your waist when walking

-expensive gifts

-when around the members he is always near you being a good boyfriend

-secretley write songs about you

-anytime he see's you smile he breaks out into the most satisfied and happy smile ever


-cute dork round you

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-cute dork round you

-cooks for you and with you

-Drive in movie dates

-such a gentleman

-would not be big on PDA but is always over you at home


-sensitive and cares about your feelings

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-sensitive and cares about your feelings

-finds you super cute and attractive when your laughing

-pecks on the lips

you play with his hair and he loves it

-take baths together but not all the time in s sexy way just sometimes in a cute spend time together kind of way


-never wants to hurt you

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-never wants to hurt you

-takes you to romantic restaurants

-he'd be very honest and straightforward

-teases you but doesn't take it to far

-praises you all the time


-call you cute name's all the time

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-call you cute name's all the time

-parents love you which he is extremely happy about

-always there for you

-protective af

-loves everything about you

-best friends for life

Bam Bam

-realationship has so many jokes

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-realationship has so many jokes

-takes you on coffee date's

-spoils you to much

-matching outfits

-you're his biggest fans and goes to all his show's

-hates when you cry and would do anything to cheer you up


-sings to you to help you fall asleep

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-sings to you to help you fall asleep

-holding hands a lot

-wants everyone to know that your his

-soft passionate kisses

-can get shy around you 

-Bam Bam sends you dorky pictures of him


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