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S E R E N A P O V.


Me and Harry have been going out for two weeks now. I still get scared about my father coming at me. I know hes out there watching me and watching what I'm doing because every time I'm with Harry or walking home I see a car driving by me but it never stops. I haven't told anyone about it, I haven't plan on how to tell Harry about my life but i do want him to know. I just don't know when to tell him. Hes coming to my house today later, my sister and Alee are going out with her boyfriend and well Alee is going to her fathers to see him. My grandparents are going to be gone for the weekend so I'm home alone till Nina comes home at midnight. So just me and Harry hanging out and talking. right now I'm walking home. 

I have my ear buds in my ears to ignore the sound around me like I always do. As i was walking i seen the car but i didn't know my head around or anything. I decide to go into a store I seem to always pass by when I'm walking home alone. I rush right inside my look eyes look to see the car stop. The person, i look around before waiting for the person to get out of the car but the person didn't. So I start to walk more down to see what I can get to snack on at home for me and Harry to have. I look to see a bag of air heads and twix for me and Harry. I come to learn that Harry loves twix because every time we go to the store I always see him grab twix. As I'm walking up to the cashier I put my candy down onto the counter suddenly heard the bell ring from the store I look to see who it was and it was a man walking around with shades on, I hoping to get a glance at him but i didn't see his face or anything.

"Here you go love." the cashier says with a smile.

"Thank you."As I'm walking i see the man going up to the cashier and buying something and he was even asking the man a question, he kept looking back. I started walking and putting my ear buds on. While I was walking the same car starts following me. I swear I'm about to stop walking and go up to the car and do something but instead I walked to a different direction to my house. My feet starts going to the direction of Zayn's house. I know Zayn wasn't going to be home, he said if he's not home I can still come over and hang out with his sister. They would be home, he even gave me a key to his house. Once I got there i grab the key by the door like Zayn told me it would be at. I look over at my shoulder to see the car hasn't follow me to Zayn's place. That gave me time to put the key back and lock the house. Zayn live right behind my grandparents house. 

"Hey Serena what are you doing here honey."Zayn's mother comes to view with a hamper of clothes that seem to be Zayn's.

"Oh just came here to see how my sweet mum is doing? "I always call Zayn's mother mum. She said I'm always welcome to the house anytime.

"Well I better get going back to the house, see you later mum and by the way tell Zayn I came by. Tell the girls hi for me."When I started walking to the back house to go to my house. I heard Zayn's mom saying something to me. 

"Sure will honey!"As I got to the house I went upstairs to change in to pjs to get comfy when Harry comes from football practice. I started to grab a bowl and drinks for us and movies to watch. As I set everything on the floor for us. I heard the door bell ring, my feet soon rush to go get the door. As I open the door I see a smelly Harry standing right in front of me with his bag over his shoulder. When he seen me he smiled wide with a dimple on his face. He started to lean in but I stop him before he kiss me.

"No, no I'm not kissing you till you take a shower." I tell him as I hold my nose between my fingers.

 "You're so lucky I brought extra clothes to take a shower." He said, I started laughing. I told him to follow me, so I can show him where the shower was at when he got to the bathroom. I grab a towel for him and soap so he could use for the shower. While Harry was in the shower, I grab one of the movies to put on, and grab the snack from the floor. I heard the shower go off and the door opening, suddenly revealing a wet Harry with a towel around his v line. 

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