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S E R E N A P O V.

Wow is I can say because, just a few hours ago I got ask out to go on a date. Harry left to go home because his mom needed him and he said our date is tomorrow. He even said to look sexy, what are you planning Mr. Styles. I text Alex what happen earlier. She said that she knew but didn't find out the day before. She going come over tomorrow and help me look nice for my date with Harry. Wow who else knows about this. When my sister got home she seen Harry walking out of the house and look at me like he's the guy were talking about look. I give her the nod saying yes.

From: Harry

Change of plans love, I decide to have are date like in 3 hours hope your ready for it xH

To: Serena

holy shit ! I don't even know what to wear now, thank you for letting me know Mr. Styles!

From: Harry

You're welcome love :) and seriously whats up with you with my last names xH

To: Serena

I just like your last name, you start it remember? Don't worry I do it to the boys too! Well i better get going so I can call Alex to get her butass to my house to help me find something to wear for our DATE!

From: Harry

Bye love xH

To: Serena

Bye Harry.

Holy shit i'm going on a date with Harry in three hours. Alex you better pick up your phone because I need your help.

"Hello"I hear Alex say on the other line of the phone.

"ALEX!"I scream into the scream, knowing she does it too me all the time.

"WHAT!"She scream at me, I laugh a little then go back to being serious with her.

"You need to get your butty at my house like now."I tell her, I was biting my nails once again. I was freaking out here.

"why"Is she serious right now, what if I was stuck in the bathroom. what the hell Serena?

"harry change are plans to have to have the date in like 3 hours alex"

"I will be right there, i'm on my way girlfriend. I got something for you to wear, for that date. You're going to thank me later for this." Alex tells me and soon you could hear a car door closing.

"You're the best Alex"I tell her with a smile even though she can't see it.

When me and Alex got done talking on the phone, it didn't take her like 3 minutes to get here. Right now she helping me find something to wear. She just watching me freak out because I got like hour half left for my date with Harry. She so helpful.

"I got it! Why don't you wear this dress I never wear it. I was suppose to wear this dress last year for something. But I didn't like it on me. So I just throw it in my closet. I brought it with me, before I left it in the car so let me go get it for you."Really Alex, you waited this long to say something. Why couldn't you just been a blonde.

"Thank you Alex but what shoes am I going to wear with it."I tell her before she could leave the room.

"Oh Honey don't worry about that you're sister is on it." I heard my sister say by the door. I look at Alex confused but she shrugs her shoulders.

"Here are the shoes you can wear."She gave me her light mint green heels.They were her favorite ones. She shouldn't give me to wear, what if I ruin them.

"But there you're favorite ones."I tell her, she hands me the shoes while I just stare at them in my hand.

"I know but my little sister needs help on needing shoes."She tells me and kisses my forehead and gives me a big hug.

"Thanks sis."I tell her as we both pull away.

"You're welcome amor."She tells me and soon leaves the room as Alex walks right inside with the dress in hand.

"Here it is. Lets get you ready before that date of yours gets here."Alex tells me and soon rushes me into the bathroom.

after I got in the showers and everything else. Alex started doing my hair while curling it. She grabs two pieces of my hair and braid it. Then pins it in the middle of my hair. Before I know it Alex is all finish with my hair and make up. 

"Wow look at you all beautiful and ready for you're first date."Alex tells me and soon fakes a tear on her. My sister Nina walks inside too seem all dress up and everything.

"Oh shut you. Please don't cry because you guys are making a fool out of yourself." while I was talking I heard the door bell ring. Holy shit i'm about to leave to on a date with Harry Styles. Now I'm freaking out, really good. I need to breathe in and out before I faint. 

"Omg Serena breath in and out. Okay Honey Alex went to go answer the door.  You are going to be fine. Its just a date, nothing will happen. I hope not that's for sure."Nina tells me and soon gives me a smile to clam me down.

"Serena someone is here to pick you up."I hear Alex yell. I look at my sister who's still trying to clam me down.

"Be down in a minute."I tell Alex who's downstairs maybe talking to Harry. Shit damn it. Alex could say anything or something stupid about me.

"I don't know. I'm so scared about this Nina."I tell her and move a little to breathe.

"Rena I want you to go out there and have a great time on you're date okay. When you get home, you tell me all about it and how it went. How about that love, can you do that for me."As she tells me and I look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look okay before I go downstairs. I leave my room, I seen Alex sitting down on the couch with Harry with his head turn around.

"Here she is Harry." As Harry heard my name he turn his heard. His eyes went wide and started to smile at me big. I smile brightly back at him.

"Wow um, you look um beautiful" he said nervously, and scratching his neck.

"Thank you."I said. I could feel my cheeks heating up now.

"Well shall we go my lady." as he said that I giggled, he put his hand out for me to take.

"Make sure to have her home by 10." I heard my sister tell Harry. Really Nina give her that look. "What the hell."Look. Then she give me "Yes i'm making sure you come home safe" Look. Ugh sisters these days. When me and Harry left my house, and walk to his Range Rover. He opens the door for me. Hes so sweet, thank the lord I didn't say no to this handsome man in front of me. He ran around to go to the driver side, so we can leave to out date.

"So where you are taking us Mr. Styles?"I ask and lay my hands on my thighs.

"You'll have to wait and see Ms. Torrez." he said smiling and show his dimple, God those dimples. Can I just pock it.

This night is going to be the best, night of my life. The nigh that I will forever remember. 

U N K N O W N  P O V.

She really thinks I don't follow her where she goes. I know she doesn't want nothing to do with me but i'm going to make sure her life is a living hell. But first I need to get rid of curly guy, who's keeping her way to fucking happy. He needs to leave or die. Well soon she not going to be happy when she finds out about Mr. curly secret soon. The things are not going to turn out pretty for her anymore. 



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