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Serena's pov

As we got to the school, we had to go get our books, and also our uniforms for tomorrow. While we were waiting in line we saw Louis, Eleanor, Liam, and Anna together. We didn't see the rest of the group because they were barely coming as always, running late as ever. Once we got our books while I wasn't looking where I was going, right when I was about to say something, I bumped into someone. Clumsy me.

"Omg, I am so so sorry I didn't see where I was going." I said while I went down to pick up my books. The person bends down also helps me pick up my books. 

"It's alright I didn't see where I was going also." Once he said that I looked up with wide eyes because this person had green eyes, a smile with a dimple, and also curly hair. He hands me the rest of my books and looks at me. I felt like I just saw my future with him. 

"Um sorry again." I said to him while looking at those eyes of his. His eyes were something, something you knew you wouldn't forget.

"It's okay, by the way, my name is Harry what's yours love?" Omg how he said love to me, it sounded so nice coming from him. I brush my hair by my ear and look at him with a smile.

"Oh um, my name is Serena." I told him while he was waiting for me to answer. 

"Well Serena, it was nice talking to you. I hope I get to see you again. Have a nice day, love."He said to me while walking away from me. A smile doesn't leave my face at all.

"Rena, you okay? I saw what happened." Alex says while coming up to me. Alex, I think you might be right about earlier because just a minute ago I just talked to a guy with green eyes, with dimples and also curly hair. 

The first period went by like a breeze since it was the first day of school. All we really did was talk and goof off and hang around the halls and the gym. As I was walking to my second-period class, I saw unforgettable curly hair. Out of nowhere a door hits my face and I bet Harry saw it. I lay on the ground and groan out of pain, Harry stands right in front of me while some kids just pass us and watch what's happen. Sure just keep on walking and don't bother helping. How nice they are. This is one reason why I hate high school so much in my entire life.

"Oh my, Are you okay love?" he asked so sweetly. While looking at me with worried eyes. I didn't know what to say because I was in a little faze for a moment.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just didn't see the door coming at me." I stated as a blush made its away on my cheeks. I brush some of the dirt off of me and Harry still helping me from the little accident a minute ago. Way to go, Serena, make a fool out of yourself. My conscience tells me. She should really shut up right before I make another fool out of myself again.

"You know, you're cute when you blush."He says and winking at me. Once again making me blush. How the hell is he making me blush so hard, I never blushed so hard in my life before. Worse never had a guy made feel this way for this long.

"Um thank you." As the bell rang for second period. I knew I was going to be late. I couldn't be late well I could of but it was the first day of school.

"Crap" I muttered under my breath as I walked away. He started walking with me and asking what class I had next. I was hoping he wouldn't try to talk to me but it seems like he notices it. 

"Science." I said as I walk a little faster as him, I needed to get to class before I get tardy as always. I was mostly that student too late for everything.

"No way." he said in an amused tone. The way he said it sounded cute. Omg Serena stop it right now, he's not going to love you or accept you for yourself. Once again my conscience tells me.

"Me too." I looked at him in a terrified way, even though I was full of glee from those words. He then gave me a worried expression. I finally looked around and saw we made it to our classroom he opened the door and commented.

" ladies first." This was about to be my greatest comeback as ever. I knew I had to make it remediable for the school year or so I thought

"Then that should mean you would go first." he gave me a look that told me he was going to say something but shrugged it off with a chuckle and gently pushed me inside. This sure was going to be something today with Alex. Oh crap Alex! She's going to freak out once she finds out and tell me she was right all long. I'm not going to hear the end of it from her. What did I get myself into?

Oh, I know! By blushing and smiling wide for that handsome cheesy boy right in front of me you know Serena maybe that's what you got yourself into. Shut up! you stupid conscience, you're really getting on my fucking last nerves today. 

This is going to be a long year for me to handle. Something coming or winding up a storm that I don't know when. It feels like something is going to change everything for me through this school year. I just hope Alex is right all of this and I hope she is my fairy godmother that I never knew I had. 



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