✭ Happy Birthday Katsuki Bakugou ✭ Advance Happy Birthday June Redfox ✭

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A small teaser.


It was the day...
It was his birthday...
It's Katsuki's Bakugou birthday.
June came to school early and she walked to get class, the "bakusquad" were walking their way to class too, minus Bakugou. She didn't really brother and continued to head to her class. "How I'm I going to give his gift?" June mumbled to herself, while playing with the small gift her hand, many ideas ran around her head but soon was stopped by Mina.
"Hey, me and the guys are going to hang out with Bakugou later, since it's his birthday. Wanna come?." Mina asked her excitingly, "Oh, ok." June simply answered.

(Just to let you know, she put the gift in her sleeve)

Around break/lunch time, June hanged out with Mina and the guys. But then Bakugou walked up to them, or specifically, June. He grabs her wrist and stormed off, the others stared at the two confused. "H-hey! What are you doing?!" June asked him nervously and annoyed,"what's going on?!" June asked herself. "Your coming with me you Metal Idiot!" He answered her, totally annoyed, June looked back at the squad, giving then the "help me" look, but none of them could do anything. "Wish you luck." Kaminari mouthed. Katsuki dragged her outside, where no one could see them.

"What do you want?" June asked confidently but still nervously. She is aware it's his birthday today, so she didn't want to ruin it for him or something. He clicked his tongue, and roughly handed her a small black paper bag. "Here!" He shouted, June slightly hesitate to get it at first but got it anyways, "Don't open it till tomorrow!" He shouted. Bakugou then walked away from her, she got confused at first till she say the writing in the bag, in gold ink.

"Happy Birthday you Idiot"
- Katsuki Bakugou

"W-W-WHAT?! How does he know my birthday is tomorrow?! June mumbled to herself, she liked back at Bakugou who was walking away. She then remembered the small gift she had, she dashed towards him, calling his name, "Hey Bakugou!" He heard from the distance as he looked back at her to tease him. "What do you want now?!" He shouted at her, he still at his tracks with his hand in his pants pocket and with his annoyed look. June finally was alined with him. She shakes her left sleeve, Bakugou was confused and more annoyed at this point, he was about to leave till a small paper bag fell out off the sleeve.

"Here!" She stretched her arm out, trying to hand it to him, "What the fuck is this?!" He questioned her. June rolled her eyes, "It's called a gift." She answered teasingly, he growled but got the paper bag from her grip and walked away again. June was about to shout back but softly smile and walked away too. Bakugou then smirked and whispered, "Heh, thanks." under his breathe. Thanks to June's super hearing, she heard that loud and clear.

☆.。.:* Time Skip .。.:*☆

After school, everyone got home and changed. June wore a striped green top with black jeans, black converse shoes and a grey sweater jacket. She put her hair in her signature hairstyle, two buns while the rest of the hair flow down.

 She put her hair in her signature hairstyle, two buns while the rest of the hair flow down

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Soon the bakusquad, plus Bakugou and her walked into the arcade. The place was dim with all of the party lights to guide them around. They played lots of games, like dance dance revaluation, (idk lots of arcade games). But Bakugou was winning most of the games. As they were playing Kirishima noticed Bakugou wearing something unusually around his neck.

"Woah Bakubro! Where did you get that?!" He asked him, this made June perked at the boys, her eyes slightly widen to see him wearing her gift. "Why do you wanna know?!" Bakugou answered back. "Cool!" Mina complimented, "W-woah! Is that an actually diamond!?" Kaminari asked. Bakugou growled from his annoyance.

The diamond charm hang around the black thread that was around his neck

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The diamond charm hang around the black thread that was around his neck. The diamond then shined from the different party lights that beamed around the arcade. The end of June's lips curled into a small smile. At the end of the day, Bakugou won lots of games and prizes, one of them was a stuffed crocodile plushie, which he gave to Kirishima. All of them split up and have home.

☆.。.:* the next day .。.:*☆

When June woke up, Hinata attacked her along with Koi. "Happy birthday June-chan!" Hinata greeted, June tended m ruffled her hair, June chuckled, "Thanks Water Lily." She thanked her. After breakfast and preparation for school, June saw the black paper bag on the night stand.

"Don't open it till tomorrow!"

Since it was that tomorrow, June opened up the bag to find four cute bottle keychains. "This is unexpected" June thought, then she decided to put the keychains on her school bag. When she arrived at school, no one noticed at first till Mina did, "Wow June-chan! Those are so kawaii!" She stated, the other girls noticed after Mina.

At the end of the day, June ran up to Bakugou again

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At the end of the day, June ran up to Bakugou again. "What is it now Metal Idiot?!" He questioned with annoyance in his voice. "I justed wanted to say thanks for the gift." June thanked him with an close eyes smile. A small amount of heat got to his face but soon shakes off to feeling. "Whatever!" He shouted back. June rolled her eyes and chuckled.



Ah! Selemat God! Tapus na ko! Ditto sa Southeast Asia, 12:34 in the morning!

Also, Happy Birthday Katsuki Bakugou
Happy Advance Birthday June Redfox

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Bai bye my Zodiacs!

- Gemini-Chan

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