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Perspective One

"We go together, never separating. There is no way you can leave me here alone. I can't just live life without you. I need you here, by my side. Do you hear me? You can't give up."

"You have to let me go. This world..." I take a shaky breath, "this world isn't one I can live in anymore. My time has come to move on." His eyes spilled the tears he had been fighting against. "It's okay, I'm okay." I try to reassure him. He reaches over to gently place his hand on my bloody cheek. "There's nothing..." The air leaves my lungs and I know it won't be long now. "There's nothing I would have changed" My own tears begin to run down my cheeks.

"I love you always." His eyes search mine, looking for any fight left within me. My tired empty soul barely hanging on reflects back. Lowering his head he softly kisses my forehead.

"I... love... you... too..." A tight-lipped smile cracks scorched lips as the last breath escapes my lungs.

Perspective Two 

"NO! WE DO THIS TOGETHER!" I shove my hands down hard onto her chest, and tilt her chin back, "please come back to me." I whisper as I force her lips open with my own. Praying her damaged lungs will start to work again. "Hold on, please, hold on. I need you dammit. Please." I let out a loose sob, she couldn't be gone, not now when I need her most.

I can't give up on her. I can't let the universe take away the only good thing I have left. "Breathe. Okay? Just breathe. I know there are a million reasons to leave," I keep shoving down hard on her chest, trying like hell to not let her failing heart stop beating. Every breath I breathe into her limp body feels like it's having no effect. "But there are a million other reasons you should stay." My tears fall steadily as I hold her in my arms. The tiniest rise and fall of her chest takes me a moment to notice. Up and down. Up and down. "I knew you wouldn't leave me!" Great relief washes over me, and as I stand I slip her into my arms. The ground is uneven, but my feet seem to be prepared for that, as I never falter in my race to save her. Running faster than I ever have before, sweat slips into my eyes and begins to sting a little. I can only focus on her shallow breathing that continues to come in and out of her bleeding lips. There's a chance she will stay. An opportunity I won't be left here alone. 

A chance.

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