Chapter 8: Kai

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Artificial light above Ollie and I buzz at a low humming noise. Keeping an eye on Jax moving aisle to aisle. Most of the shelves around us are either empty or covered in broken pasta sauce jars creating a faint pink color. A mix of sauces slowly cascades down to the edges of each shelf. Quietly, almost inaudible, it drips through the small holes etched into the shelves splashing into a forming puddle below on the floor. Drip. Drip. Drip. Counting each drip that splashes help pass the utterly unbearable waiting. Time ticks by at about the speed of a snail race through Elmer's glue. I can't understand his thought process, why is splitting us up his answer for every dangerous situation we have gone through tonight? Leaving me alone with Ollie for him to face any danger lurking around us alone seems illogical to me. His newfound hero complex discovered roughly twelve hours ago is starting to become very bothersome. I don't know if he realizes I am capable of holding my own just as much as he is. Irritation starts to creep in creating a thumping headache behind my right eyebrow.

Ollie, with my command, settled at my feet in a deep slumber. Sleeping right through it with ease. Every so often his large paws twitch as if he's trying to run somewhere. Innocent, sweet, oblivious Ollie. I wish something fierce I could be him during all of this insanity.

"Hey, uh, Kai?" Shit. I took my eyes off him. "Can you come over here with Ollie please?" Jax yells sounding extremely apprehensive almost at the final row of empty shelves. His hands raised to be level with his shoulders, breathing quickened. Please, Lord... Let this one encounter be minor.

"Yeah," I yell back with a shaky voice. Scratching Ollie gently behind his floppy ear wakes him up. His eyes pop open wide trying to find his bearings. Getting back up onto his feet he stares, questioning, next to me. "Where are you?" I call out to Jax half expecting a Marco Polo game to begin.

"Aisle thirty-seven." A booming voice that isn't Jax's, much too low, surprises me. Cold beads of sweat begin to trickle down my paling face. Equally, I feel the small of my back cling to my clothing. The squeak of my shoes and the clicking of Ollie's nails give away our slow pace. "Would you mind walking a bit quicker, if it isn't too much to ask?" The mystery man's voice clearly bothered now.

Moving with intent versus caution now, it doesn't take long to come up on aisle thirty-seven. The entire time my eyes never leave Jax. I won't make that mistake again. Becoming quite clear what kind of situation we have gotten ourselves into this time. His stance at the end of the aisle, completely frozen. His new bag spilled out on the floor in front of him in a heap, items scattered haphazardly before him. Where is the bat? Nowhere in sight, was the only weapon we had with us. Our only form of protection. No way he would have given that up willingly.

Jax hears us getting closer to him, slightly turning his head, making eye contact with me. Bright hazel eyes begged silently for my forgiveness. Heartbeat after heartbeat pounds in my ears. My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. Too late to turn around. Maybe we could have made a run for it. I mouth "It's okay" back in an attempt to tell him it isn't his fault. Jax always takes on unnecessary guilt. Dropping his head he stares at his feet defeated. I wish I could take his pain away, make it my own.

Stepping into full view of the man behind the mystery voice, I stop dead in my tracks. Before I can see who he is, my eyes fixate on something bone-chilling. The world around me turns into a dizzying blur. The end of a sawed-off shotgun barrel moves from Jax, and in turn, aims at my stunned face. Instinctively I yank upwards on Ollie's leash forcing him into a fast sit. Low growls muffled within his closed snout give a warning to the man. Gripping the leash until my knuckles turn a pure white, I raise my hands. Doing my best to mimic Jax beside me.

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