Chapter 10: Bennett

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Darkness engulfs me. Silence rings in my ears. A slight drip of a water faucet somewhere in the black depth slaps against a hard surface. Cold air gently blows down from a vent above leaving goosebumps in its wake. I wouldn't be able to see my own fingers wiggling in front of my face if I were to try. Someone had thrown a black cloth bag over my head while I was sitting on that damn stool. Soon thereafter they tied my wrists in a tight knot behind me, forcing me to stand and stumble along with their guidance. An unknown male voice aggressively whispered beside my head "Get him in the freaking van!", followed by a not-so-kind shove. I folded in half as I fell into the open van. It all happened so fast. Pain erupted within the lower half of my abdomen as one of them slammed a fist into it. "You better stay quiet." the same man threatens, "That punch was only the beginning. What we have in store for you-". Noel cuts him off, "QUIET! Everyone will be silent for the duration of this drive. Understand?", he pauses for their answers, "Good." The leather creaks as he slides back around in his seat seeming to be satisfied by their responses.

I tried my best to listen and feel the turns made, trying to remember the exact route. Maybe I could get myself free? Maybe I could find my way back to the city center? Those were only maybes. I wouldn't get a chance to make an escape. As soon as the van came to a stop on a road riddled with potholes, the door swung open. Hands grasped onto my arms yanking me to a standing position outside of the vehicle. "You can walk yourself." Noel announced. However, their hands never left my arms as I got dragged through a building, down a few sets of stairs, and tossed onto hard cold concrete. Where I now lay curled into a ball awaiting my fate. There are zero concepts of time as my mind twirls about in overwhelming thoughts. Noel's twisted smirk flashes across my closed eyelids as I blink. Quinn's excruciating grimace the next. Back and forth they torture every passing second I spend down here. You deserve this, you stupid fuck. After what you've done there is no sympathy warranted. I chid myself for feeling like I deserve a break, deserve pity.

Yellow light in a small beam flashes along the floor in a sweeping motion. Even that small amount of light burns my retinas. I was just starting to admire the darkness. Clomp. His footfall loud and slow. Clomp. Intentional. Quickened heartbeats begin to vibrate in my ears. Thump. Thump. Thump. A million beats per minute. Stopping no more than five feet from where I lay, he leaves his light on my face. For what seemed to be an eternity I squinted up against it, allowing me to see no more than the dark had moments before.

"Ah!" My body balls up in pain on impact from his sharp-toed shoe. It connects with the middle of my ribcage. Tears immediately begin to form. Do not let him see you cry. Do not give him the satisfaction! "AH, GOD!" I gasp for air as he plunges four more powerful kicks to my abdomen. Hitting a different spot each time. You win. Tears flowed down my face rapidly. "Please," I helplessly beg, "please stop."

"You want me to stop?" A low chuckle bubbles from Noel's throat. "Ok then." One swift kick planted itself under the chin. Snapping my neck back. Shit.

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