Chapter 7: Jax

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Absolute darkness surrounds us at a rapid pace. After about an hour into our three-hour trek, we lost all sight of the sun. Occasionally a tall metal street lamp illuminates a corner in a golden hue, but we both try hard to avoid them. If we stick to the shadows maybe the chances of getting noticed by a night patrol will lessen. Neither of us should be taking the risk of being out past our faction's mandatory curfew. Even amongst the virus outbreak, I would not be surprised by patrols arresting any citizens out and about for breaking one of their biggest laws.

Roughly ten years ago the head of the CCC determined if a curfew was put into place a decrease in crime should follow within our faction. Their belief is once the sun falls behind the horizon people will let the evil thoughts they might have take over. Now every citizen is expected to be off the streets before nightfall. Unless you have a specialized work permit hanging around your neck, in that case, you have no restrictions. Those few people who can obtain one of those permits are in an emerging field of work, or if you are within the highest society group and have bought your freedom. Money does wonders around here in our science-based faction.

If you are caught out past the mandatory curfew with no permit you must be prepared for the consequences. Patrols are authorized to arrest and detain a person for seventy-two hours. When the seventy-two hours are up, and a bribe to the patrols for an early release has not been made, you are sat in front of a judge. He or she will determine if a fine is sufficient enough depending on the number of times the individual has broken the curfew. Eventually when the curfew has been broken too many times more harsh sentencing is given. They are allowed to implement an amount of time the defendant is to spend in our jail. Anywhere from a month to three years can be given based on how lenient the judge is feeling on the day an outcome is served.

After the curfew became mandatory there was a significant decrease in crime for the first year. Solely out of pure fear as the patrols were predisposed to violent actions in order to gain control over those resisting the government's new law. Soon after that first year, a group of citizens formed the Resistance. Fighting for nine years to regain our freedom being taken slowly from us. Protesting at night at the gates to members of the CCC, peacefully of course. They have grown their little forty-person group to about five hundred or more, showing no sign of letting up. Some traction has formed for their cause. Over the years they would have bills reach a certain level within the CCC before it was thrown out. At some point, it has to be approved by the head of the CCC, and that will never happen. He would have to release some of his control over us, and why would he want to do that?

Kai nor I have a profession within an emergency field, and most definitely are not a part of the elite members buying their freedom. Therefore we have to be extremely cautious traveling around during the night. If we could have safely stayed the night in one of our houses that would have been more ideal, but we couldn't, not with my brother and Kai's family still out here somewhere. Luck just so happens to be on our side tonight though as it is a moonless night. The perfect amount of darkness created allows us to meld into the shadows with ease.

"Hey Jax," Kai breaks the deafening silence between us, "I think Ollie hears something up ahead." She softly whispers, reaching down to tighten her grip on his leash. His raised hackles and shifting eyes put both of us on edge. Pressing our backs up against the side of a two-story brick house we try to make ourselves unnoticeable. Ollie lowers himself into a crouching stance as he begins to snarl. Bearing his teeth he pulls hard on the end of his leash. Following his line of sight, a tall lanky figure of what I presume to be male stands still almost like a statue beside a house across the street four doors down. Placing my hand on Kai's arm I gently move her behind me as I take a few steps away from the wall. Shielding her with my body I grip the baseball bat as tightly as my hands can and prepare for the inevitable fight that will ensue. Thankfully Kai found Ollie earlier today, he is able to provide the tiniest amount of security as I stand my ground waiting for him to make the first move.

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