Chapter 20: Luka's POV

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Jackie was flirting with the nymph and I didn't like it in the slightest. Why, you ask? If only I knew. I'd already established that I didn't like her... So why the heck was I jealous?

New solution to all my problems: delete Jackie from this world.

Rip Jackie. To be honest I would probably avoid her funeral if I had the chance.

Ok why am I thinking about this, my brain is really not a vibe today. Might as well delete my brain along with Jackie.

Fuck. Stop thinking, Luka.

Jackie and Maple were walking a few steps ahead of me, Maple's arm around Jackie's waist. They only met like what? Twenty minutes ago? I guess Jackie's a player. I almost feel sorry for the nymph. Almost.

Anyways, Maple was taking us to some ancient cave where we were supposed to find Demeter's relic. I really hope that this doesn't turn into another Pentheus incident. We don't stan a drunk Jackie.

"Almost there!" Maple said cheerfully. Jackie looked back at me, smirking. I think she noticed my scowl, because she mouthed, "Jealous?" Making me want to punch Hermes for ever thinking it was a good idea to have her.

"You wish." I mouthed back, not waiting for an answer, and looking away quickly so she didn't see that I was, in fact, jealous.

I decided to focus on my feet instead since the path was getting even trickier and I didnt want to risk embarrassing myself by falling.

Jackie leaned into Maple a bit more and Maple returned the favour.

Wait what was Jackie's sexuality? I had no clue. Was she even into guys? Why the hell do I even care? My brain really is playing tricks on me today.

"I see the cave!" Jackie let go of Maple and started running, actually more like parkouring, since there were so many rocks and fallen trees to maneuver around.

Maple giggled, "Jackie don't fall!" She started running after her, both of them laughing.

I was really not in the mood for this. Why can't we just quickly grab the relic and get out of here without procrastinating by flirting with some random girl we met not even half an hour ago? Cause we're running on Jackie's schedule, that's why.

I didn't run behind them, I walked at my own pace, so when I finally got up to the entrance of the cave, Jackie looked irritated that I was taking so long.

"Whhhyy are you soo laazzyy," she groaned. "Do you want to finish this quest and go home, or not?"

I ignored her and turned to Maple who was looking at Jackie, all moony-eyed. "Is the torch in there?" I asked her.

She made a puzzled face, finally looking away from Jackie to meet my eye. "I guess so."

She still seemed uncertain.

I got irritated. "Then why the hell would you bring us here if you had no fucking clue?!?" My hands were waving around and my voice had raised.

She looked taken aback, and her lip started to tremble. I immediately felt bad for yelling, but this was serious business and if she wasn't going to help, what was the point?

Then Jackie punched me in the stomach.

It didn't really hurt but it annoyed me even more.

"You know what," I grumbled, "I'm going to go get the relic by myself and you two can make out or something."

Without thinking I stormed into the cave in search of a stupid relic that I didn't give a shit about.

The cave was dark, illuminated by only the light coming from outside the cave. I squinted my eyes trying to see the path ahead of me, one hand on my bow. The further I walked, the darker it got, and soon I couldn't see anything. I shouldn't have gotten so angry, I don't think I can do this alone and I'm pretty sure that Jackie has the only flashlight.

But since I wasn't prepared to go back and admit my mistake, I trudged onwards, bumping into the cave wall every few seconds, not sure which way I was going.

The one thing I did know was that the cave was getting smaller and smaller, until I was walking with my shoulders touching both sides of the cave, and then until I was forced to crawl because the ceiling had become so low.

Well fuck.

All of a sudden my head hit something in front of me, "Ouch!" That hurt. I felt around and realized that the cave ended right in front of me. Shit now what?

I kept feeling around, trying to see if there was anything there, any sign of a relic.


Nothing except a green, vine, plant thing, aggh I don't even know, I can't see shit in here. I yanked the vine frustrated that I had gotten myself into this situation, and low and behold! Something happened. I heard a noise in front of me, and all of a sudden the wall started to move. Light. I could finally see. There was now no wall in front of me, just the entrance to a very well lit room.

I crawled through the tight space that opened up into the room standing up and stretching my muscles. After a quick survey of the room, it was obvious that there was no one else there.

The room was not too big, and not too small. There was nothing on the outsides of the room, just dirt and vines on the floor.

In the very center there was a torch. It had a leafy pattern on its handle and was crafted of bronze. It wasn't lit but it appeared to be glowing, giving off a faint green light.


Take that Jackie, looks like I found the relic without your stinky, stanky help.

I walked up to it and lifted it out of the place it was resting, which was an elongated rock with a hole in the top for the torch to fit into.

"Luka, are you there?"

Startled, I turned around quickly, looking in the direction of the space I had entered through.

I can't believe Jackie followed me, I was doing perfectly fine, and she could have stayed outside with Maple.

All of a sudden, I heard a rumble. Uh oh. I have to get out of here before something bad happens. If there's one thing that I've learned about being a demigod, it's that nothing is ever easy. This place is obviously booby trapped.


That was the last thing I heard before the ceiling crashed onto my head and I completely blacked out. 

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